JP's Kiss d Glasgow


New member
hello all...tried my hands on recording using GarageBand 1st time ystday...i've never used Mac my entire life so i was really "confused like squid"...anyhow,this is my poor take of John's Glasgow Kiss partial solo (which i admit a bit ambitious for my standard) but i had fun making the mistakes and what u hear is my 30th take (still with mistakes all thrown in...ha ha)

Also looking for 2nd guitarist or keyboardist and a bassist to jam for fun...songs from DT,Racer X,Vai,Satch,PG and the likes...already got vox and drummer
iMac GarageBand
M-Audio Black Box Reloaded
Boss GX-700
M-Audio Keystation 61es
Alesis M1Active 520
Ibanez Jem Jr
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That was good, I really liked the guitar tone alot and you didn't make many mistakes :)
The sound is quite clear, only thing maybe is I would increase the overall volume because seems to be a little quiet
hey drewgie, thanks for your comments...honestly, i know very little about recording stuff, especially software recording
but i know i can always rely on good tips and advise from fellow soft-ies like you

as to the overall volume, after mixing i just kept the master level at zero db (which i find the meter levels doesn't go distorted)
then i send it to iTunes in mp3 there any other way to boost without distortion?

perhaps you or other soft-ies can help me...
hey, good and tasty playing there!

did you do a direct line in recording or did you mic it?

ive just posted a clip on OM too, its a DT cover, do check it out if ure free.

btw im open to the idea of maybe playing together if you want =)
its a great cover~ love it!

wish i could be playing with you.. but ya.. dun wish 2 pull ur standard down.. haha :lol:
JM's Kiss d Glasgow Repost

Back by popular demand...ha ha...just kidding folks. To Zer09er and dholguitar...

Kiss d Glasgow

You are also welcome to check out some sample demos of my guitar playing and originals and know a bit more about me here at :

Comments and criticisms most welcome...
Cheerio !

PS. And to all fellow soft-ies who responded to join my "for fun project" band, I'll get back to you guys by next week
coz I'm busy preparing for Hari Raya lah and my "cari makan" band True Colours got some jam practise sessions for this week's 3-day gig at Devil's Bar
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Pablo's Project Band

Mike, my short demo of "World's Apart" can be found here at :

My solo's a bit crappy and predictable but run out of ideas lah...hee

...and to all fellow soft-ies who'd like to form up with me (for fun,as said earlier in the thread), we can meet and talk at FourTones studio near Boat Quay
the next 3 days (see time below) coz I'm there jamming for an upcoming show. PM me with your number if you're coming...thanks

2/11 Thu 7-9pm
3/11 Fri 9-11pm
4/11 Sat 7-9pm
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