John Myung may switch to Music Man


New member
There are reports that JM is severing ties with Yamaha. And he is now in talks with Ernie Ball Music Man. Judging by JM used the Bongo to record most of DT's new album Systematic Chaos, and DT's tour officially begun yesterday, JM used the Bongo 5 as his main bass during the show. And the progress of the Bongo 6 looks promising, and should be out later this year at Winter NAMM.

More info here:
and here:
It's all good. I always thought his tone with the Yamaha sucked. Sure , it looked good but it dont sound nice.
was never a fan of his tone but his playing is... wooo

wonder how he'd handle with a warwick with its monster of a neck and his tiny hands.

rossie: i meant the look of the bongo.

tried the bongo back in 2004 and was very impressed by its hifi sound. the 18v preamp really gives it a alot of juice and the midsweep eq shapes the slap tone raelly nicely.

also its much sleeker than it looks on the front profile, but lookswise... it's either you love it or you hate it.
Z3r0_G: Don't think JM's fingers are anywhere "small".

rottenramone: I didn't like the Bongo initially, but the shape grew on me. My next purchase will likely be a Bongo.
wonder how he'd handle with a warwick with its monster of a neck and his tiny hands.

Man you obviously haven't met him. Shook his hand when he came to do a bass clinic at HRC way back. His hand basically enveloped mine. Huge ass hands man.
Seemed like his palms are small but his fingers are long! I saw the Ytse Jam bass solo and those snake-like fingers were slithering about doing those 32nd notes. :lol:
rylche: Sorry to say that the solo in YTSE JAM consist of 8th notes, 16th notes, and 16th note triplets. No 32nd notes there.
When jm came to Sg for his last clinic i was setting up for him and filming the clinic down with the yamaha crew. his hands are not very big, actually their normal sized. Shook his hand and saw him practice abit back stage, normal sized asian guy, lol. I dont think he would use or need a wide spacing cause he doesnt slap at all, no point having it so wide.
haha ok. i heard somewhere tht his hands weren't very big. but no surprise for him to get the odd shaped bongo.