Jeff Beck's Telegib - thoughts and comments


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Mr. Jeff Beck's Tele-gib


Just looking for you softie's thoughts and comments on this famous guitar.
funny coincidence...just saw an edwards limited edition jeff beck 'tele-gib' clone on sale at guitar77, sounded great n played great, plus it has a real nice relic job too.
funny coincidence...just saw an edwards limited edition jeff beck 'tele-gib' clone on sale at guitar77, sounded great n played great, plus it has a real nice relic job too.

Not a coincidence bro uglyfunk, I saw that too when I was on one of my latest window shopping ventures :)
I plan on doing a version of it myself cause i don't have the $$$ to get those on sale already
i might get it...

aaah im really tempted to get the edwards one at g77-even if i went yr way n built a 'partscaster', i still wldn't b able to replicate a nice tasteful(not overdone) relic job like wat it has.

plus it has great sounding manlius hums in it.

plus plus it also comes with the original pikups(customs wound duncans, and a cert signed by seymour himself explaining why these pikups r specially wound just for this gtr)

plus plus plus i bet if u bargained u cld get a better price from the old man bargain hard...
aaah im really tempted to get the edwards one at g77-even if i went yr way n built a 'partscaster', i still wldn't b able to replicate a nice tasteful(not overdone) relic job like wat it has.

true. but i plan to age my parts-telegib-caster myself through a special method --> tons and tons of playing xD

plus plus plus i bet if u bargained u cld get a better price from the old man bargain hard...

good luck with that bro! xD do update here if you manage to get it =P if you do get down to it
clip on you tube about BECK losing his original esquire to Seymour Duncan in person...who had made this awful git. It looks awful with those PU. Did seymour Duncan design Di Marzios or what? The famous Esquire is NOW in a vault and it's not getting played at all. The Esquire I'm talking about is the famous one that BECK had on the first US tour with the Yardbirds. see it on you tube...

- - - Updated - - -

The Best Telly I saw (apart from Mick Green's anniversary) is a light blue one with a Bigsby term on it. Looked awesoming.

Great guitars although I've never owned one...maybe one day!/Users/Guest/Desktop/Mick Green.png

Mick Green played faster and louder than JEFF BECK...and he was also way better than PAGE who's in my humble view was just a pale imitator. BECK Rules...Mick Green rest in peace.

/Users/Guest/Desktop/Mick Green.png
Four years and many guitars later, and i suddenly get notifications from this thread.

@KeithPilchard beck and Jeff Beck are two different fellas to me.

You want to talk Loud and Fast, go get some Periphery or Paul Gilbert lah. You wanna start a Mick Green appreciation thread then go ahead.

The upload picture button is the third last icon on the top, before "insert video" and "wrap quote".

clip on you tube about BECK losing his original esquire to Seymour Duncan in person...who had made this awful git. It looks awful with those PU. Did seymour Duncan design Di Marzios or what?


Hey.... who is calling my guitar awful ?!!!:rolleyes:
Wow.... 4 yr old thread resurrected.:p
Hey.... who is calling my guitar awful ?!!!:roll eyes:

Hello Roll eye...Seymour Duncan had to try things out/bring the to a higher level.

I always thought those cover less P.U.s nice.

Hofners are funny to look at, single coils on a Telecaster are cool. The originals on an old SG are cool

but that's only my opinion. I hate the way Ricky's sound...I will never own one because they are too expensive

but they are lovely instruments. I am not really impressed with the way they sound. I may be wrong. To me Gibson were

the ultimate instrument maker but now just forget it. I tried a Fender Mustang once and I understood Steve Cropper

straight away although he plays Telecasters. Mick Green played with brutal force and I saw the great man in a pub in

Londinium. He was playing a Telecaster Anniversary I think. Unique pick ups with unique pick up covers. I've got a hybrid

at the moment. Trying to master it but I'm bored with life and I'm bored with playing music.

Guitars are fascinating. I know a fair bit about them, when JEFF back played the tele with the funky pick ups, I'm sure

it was something else and to paraphrase him, the best of both worlds. The Esquire is unique. I Love Fender but never

owned one. My instrument of choice was EPIPHONEs post NYC Kalamazoo years before Japan. I chucked Kurt Cobain's guitar

in the trash. I acquired a real peace of a japs Epiphone that had been butchered and carved to ressemble a Strat. That was a solid body.

The neck was crass, the frets needed doing, the look was simple and simplistic. It was playable but not a nice instrument.

I moved house in 1998. I put the bastard in the trash with the neck in full view of people so someone could have it.

About 1994, I saw a picture of Cobain with exactly the same instrument I thought Strange!

I love Japanese guitars especially the vintage ones but that dreaded time in the US when Epiphone was going through a bad time and everything was made on the cheap was a sad time for the great Gibson company.

Your guitar looks absolutely fantastic, Sir!

sorry if I offended you. Watch the Jeff Beck clip online when he goes thru the history of some of his's great.

thx and...well done on a brilliant guitar collection.
hello, I bought a feather duster last week (no joke actually)...Do you think some of your guitars need dusting? I'd be happy to come along...:) But I have a weak heart and might die of a heart attack looking at this collection
hello, I bought a feather duster last week (no joke actually)...Do you think some of your guitars need dusting? I'd be happy to come along...:) But I have a weak heart and might die of a heart attack looking at this collection

Hey Keith,
Welcome to SOFT. Thanks for sharing all your interesting thoughts on guitars.
That's what we are here for isn't it?
We used to have much more action here with regular postings of GAS inducing gear. Blame it on the economy.... it's been really quiet now. (you can tell by the drop in gear pics posting over the years)

Regarding your feather duster...... good try:p
But it takes more than a feather duster to gain access into my guitar vault. You may need to bring a crate of lighter fluid and fresh strings with that. Our humid climate isn't the friendliest to nitro and steel.
Well, how about posting some of your gear for our fellow Softies (that's what we call ourselves) to view.

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