just bought a Jaguar...
is this type of body shape exclusive to indie attraction? i'm certainly not indie...
heh, offset bodies geetar seldom talked around here coz most of them either busymaking music or rather seek info from other forums. Considering most here only talk about overdrive, distortion and the usual rock till socks off stuff.
i have a jaguar baritone which was prolly discontiuned by fender japan or at least with a name changed. It used to be known as bottom master and with a built in fuzz circuit reminiscing a fender blender fuzz tone to it.
There are actually couple local bands using jazzmaster, jaguar etc, but they are prolly not into talking in forum about gear but rather working on doing music instead.
... most musicians who play this kind of guitars are on that genre. But whenever I see a jaguar or mustang, I always tend to think of the late great Kurt Cobain so yeah, what do i know?
looks pretty kickass to me.
I'm pretty sure I want a Fender Jazzmaster/Jaguar - I'm not too into Squier (Bad experience).
Anyway, I checked out a couple of other threads and took a short peek at Ishibashi's site. Wow, S$1.4k, pretty painful, but I think I can handle it... with a little bit more of scrounging, of course.
Hmm... guess I'll save up a little longer.
...I'm not too into Squier (Bad experience)