Jazzmasters, Mustangs or Jaguars?


New member
Once again, hi to all.

I was just wondering if anybody knew where I could get my hands on Fender Jazzmasters, Mustangs or Jaguars, and the approximate price they would be selling at.

u could email sound alchemy, they import jap fenders, which have one of the best jazzmasters, mustangs and jaguars
You can try asking Sound Alchemy or TYMC. But most likely Sound Alchemy will be the one who can bring them in. Last time i asked, the cheapest japanese jazzmaster would be 1.4k.

I'm curious, how come the offset body craze never got popular here considering that there seems to be quite a number of indie bands here?
just bought a Jaguar...

is this type of body shape exclusive to indie attraction? i'm certainly not indie...
heh, offset bodies geetar seldom talked around here coz most of them either busymaking music or rather seek info from other forums. Considering most here only talk about overdrive, distortion and the usual rock till socks off stuff.

i have a jaguar baritone which was prolly discontiuned by fender japan or at least with a name changed. It used to be known as bottom master and with a built in fuzz circuit reminiscing a fender blender fuzz tone to it.

There are actually couple local bands using jazzmaster, jaguar etc, but they are prolly not into talking in forum about gear but rather working on doing music instead.
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just bought a Jaguar...

is this type of body shape exclusive to indie attraction? i'm certainly not indie...

Nice guitar. And I bet it's very comfortable to play.. Sorry I don't mean to say it's exlcusive to indie guys but it's just that nowadays and even at offsetguitars.com, most musicians who play this kind of guitars are on that genre. But whenever I see a jaguar or mustang, I always tend to think of the late great Kurt Cobain so yeah, what do i know?.: ) I'd like to own either a Jazzmaster or a Jaguar but I'm not willing to drop that kind of money for a guitar that's not going to be a main one.
heh, offset bodies geetar seldom talked around here coz most of them either busymaking music or rather seek info from other forums. Considering most here only talk about overdrive, distortion and the usual rock till socks off stuff.

i have a jaguar baritone which was prolly discontiuned by fender japan or at least with a name changed. It used to be known as bottom master and with a built in fuzz circuit reminiscing a fender blender fuzz tone to it.

There are actually couple local bands using jazzmaster, jaguar etc, but they are prolly not into talking in forum about gear but rather working on doing music instead.

Yeah, the talkative ones seem to be the strat, tele, and LP guys. haha. Even at offsetguitars.com, the threads don't seem to move as fast as those in TGP.

I've never heard of a bottom master, but it seems interesting based on your description.
the bottom master is the japanese version of jaguar baritone which fender US also have, but its made in mexico if not wrong and without the fuzz circuit. The japanese version with the bottom master was available round 2005/2006 and its name, bottom master was some sort of a joke among fender forum at that time.

Oh yeah, theres a jaguar/jazzmaster thread in the forum here as well, can find some pics and info on users locally as well.
... most musicians who play this kind of guitars are on that genre. But whenever I see a jaguar or mustang, I always tend to think of the late great Kurt Cobain so yeah, what do i know?

my Jaguar would see a pickup swap soon. it's not gonna be entertaining anything indie, more of instrumental guitar stuff &... black metal. we tend to associate guitar shapes with certain characters in history which limits the instrument's other potential.
Thanks for the replies.

1.4k? *whistle* Looks like I'll be sticking to my strat for a while longer it seems.

I really like the jazzmaster sound, so I will get it once I can spare the change.

Anyway, any difference between the Japanese and Mexican Jazzmasters? In terms of sound, construction, etc.

Other than what you guys have already highlighted, of course.

like they always say mia>mij/cij>mim
but of course some would disagree and say that some mexican pieces are on par with the americans.. but some also say that there some pretty crappy american ones.. but for me i've tried some japan made fenders.. and i couldnt really tell the diff between the jap and american ones.. not much comments bout mexican made fenders.. didnt really have the chance to try em
shameless plug: I got a Stagg jazzcaster(jazzmaster shape with strat bridge and single coils) for sale at 100sgd. It's a postponed project.: )

@Pedal-itis: gorgeous-looking guitar you got there. It's like Swedish erotica. hahaha.
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looks pretty kickass to me.

I'm pretty sure I want a Fender Jazzmaster/Jaguar - I'm not too into Squier (Bad experience).

Anyway, I checked out a couple of other threads and took a short peek at Ishibashi's site. Wow, S$1.4k, pretty painful, but I think I can handle it... with a little bit more of scrounging, of course.

Hmm... guess I'll save up a little longer.
looks pretty kickass to me.

I'm pretty sure I want a Fender Jazzmaster/Jaguar - I'm not too into Squier (Bad experience).

Anyway, I checked out a couple of other threads and took a short peek at Ishibashi's site. Wow, S$1.4k, pretty painful, but I think I can handle it... with a little bit more of scrounging, of course.

Hmm... guess I'll save up a little longer.

One thing I don't like about these kind of offsets is that they don't have much colors to choose from. If i'll have one, I want the Lake Placid Blue. But that color seems to be reserved for custom shop models.

I was also surprised that it's 1.4k. I was guessing there'll be one for 800sgd like the mij strats and teles.
...I'm not too into Squier (Bad experience)

the Squier of yesterday (late '80s - early '90s) was problematic. the current Squier manifestations are some of the best, affordable guitars, the reason i was OK with the Duo Sonic...


this guitar has that Jag/JM vibe to it, yes?