Jazz Neck on a P Body


New member
I want to put a jazz neck on a P body.Is this possible?Will it be an imperfect fit?
Would there be a loose fit of the thinner jazz neck on a p body which has too thick a hole carved out?
Similarly,because the jazz body is smaller,the thicker p neck cannot fit in and requires some carpentry?
Or will the neck nearer to the pickups have the same size for both the P and and Jazz?
If you are talking about Fenders, and both are 4 string, a Fender Jazz neck should fit a Fender P Bass body, no issues or modification required.
Unless of course if the neck already has bolt holes; MIA/Japan/MIJ basses have different bolting I think..
The P Bass body is smaller than the Jazz.
The neck will be in the same position so the pups won't be effected.