Jazz Drumming

Hey Audrey...it was really cool hanging out and chatting with you last night! Great drumming and I really LOVE your K ride...

Haha! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Ya, I love that Ride, especially since it was given to me as a birthday present by a mentor in drums, Steve Holloway, who lives and performs in New York City. I've been using it for the last 10 years! And as you know, Tama Goh drilled the holes for the rivets ;) So ya, that Ride got sentimental value, as do all my cymbals :D
Harry's at Boat Quay?

Any of you guys go for the jam sessions at Harry's on Sundays? I seriously think I've learnt the most from these sessions. I'm like there most Sundays. Christy, Rick and Eddie will have something to say about how you play and how u can improve...which makes it a good learning experience. Not for the faint of heart though......
hey paradiddle!

thanks for the heads up on harry's ...hope some softies drop by soon or we'll organise an outing or something... heh

Yes, I have also long heard that there is also some Jam session at Jazz At South Bridge on a Sunday evening - Is that True?.....has any of you been there before.

PS; - Yes we should all go together and join in the Jam Session at these Venue...must be nice...somemore, we so many drummers go - who dare to laugh at we all right wait instead of Trading 4 - become Trading Punches how - that fellow die lah ...Kekekeke - Nah... I am only joking here...when we play a Cultured Music like Jazz - We must be also very Cultured one there ..hor?. Got Class abit mah.

Jokes aside - I heard that one needs to be pretty good to go up and Jam in these Venue, if not they will tell us to go down back to our seat - - It is this that I heard scares me...Is this also true Bros/Sis?.

Bro Paradiddle - you organise this ok...

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Jam Session At Harry's@Boat Quay

I guess you need some level of facility before coming up to play but at Harry's the house band is quite accommodating. They'll guide you if you get lost and are really quite helpful. However, its good to have in mind something to play but then again you could always do a blues. Point to note is that here they trade 8s instead of 4s....gives the soloist more time to express themselves.

Things start getting dicey when other jammers come up and call off some seriously weird stuff. I got caught in that situation before....totally embarrasing....totally didnt know where the one was.....

The bassist Christy counted off:
1 2 3 4
123456789 (lead in)

Threw me off so bad that about a minute into the song i told Eddie to take over...ARGH!....
Then when I was at the bar just listening...realised it was a 12 8 feel and slapped myself for panicking. In retrospec, it taught me to be more mindful about other time signatures and I've been devoting a good amount of time figuring them out.

Southbridge also has jam sessions on Sundays and I know some hardkore horn guys who go to both places to have a whack. You could do that if you really wanna get a good workout.

I'm gonna be there again on Sunday around 2200 hrs and some of the Lasalle bros will be there as well. Don't really need to organise I think.....just come down...come prepared and whack.

I'll see ya guys there!!
The house musicians play an hour or so, then you can sign up with someone (last time it was Mario, the pianist) and they will sub for you if not all the instruments have people playing them.

Play a couple songs? Nothing's set in stone but one should sort of know how long you should hog the stage ;)
Harrys @ Boat Quay anyone?

Hey guys,

I'm headed down to Harry's tomorrow evening around 2200 hrs. Anyone else wants to come down?
I think the kid you were referring to is Aaron Lee, son of Jimmy Lee, who's one of the great drummers in Singapore. Haha yeah, and his favourite song to jam to is 'The Chicken'.

He's now about 12 yrs old, and the scary thing is that he has improved by leaps and bounds since last year, with no sign of stopping. Check out his sizzling performance at the 2008 Mosaic Jam here. Also keep a look out for him in this year's Drum Challenge.

YouTube - Aaron Lee jamming at Mosaic 2008

Yup, I agree that JSB is quite a conducive environment for jamming, the musicians there (Mario Serio, Eddie Jansen and Boon Gee) are really humble and friendly! Personally, I record myself whenever I jam or play, and I think its a good way to assess yourself. You'll be surprised at the amount of subtle imperfections that show up on the recordings that you wouldn't otherwise notice on the spot when you're playing. Its really good for pin-pointing areas of weaknesses that you must work on during your practise time.
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As someone said somewhere in this thread, one can learn more about playing jazz from non-drummers such as bassists and pianists. Technique is fine but quite useless if one does not have the right approach and musicality when it comes to jazz.

At JSB one gets to jam with some of the best local jazz musicians around. Cats like Mario and Eddie J actually makes a drummer feel and play better thru their own confidence and competence. Drummers should never pass up a chance sitting in with these luminaries.

Often a newbie jazz drummer can get too fixated by his own drumming that he misses out the nuances and inflections of the music being played. Overplaying and irrelevance creeps in, spoiling the overall ensemble. That's why it is imprtant to use one's ears as much as anything else.
Hi Bruce,

I'm not sure if we've met before. Nevertheless it's good to meet here ;)

By the way, do you know of Rusty Jones & Greg Sergo from Chicago? I took a lesson with Rusty many years ago when I visited with Judy Roberts (she's since moved to Phoenix, AZ). He's one of the best brush players I've ever met. And Greg's has a really colourful, yet tasteful musicality. Love them both! :-D
