Japan Strats Specifications


New member

Anyone can shed some light about the pickups used in Japanese strats?


The guitars have ST-Vintage, ST-Current, Full Range Impact DCS pick ups... what's the diff?

They also don't use conventional measurements for scale lengths and radiuses: 314 scale vs 324 scale?? 184R vs 250R?? What do these mean? Anyone can help?

Scale length:

The calculation used is

(A x 2 / 2.54) / 10 = scale in inches
A = number you see

314 = 24.7"
324 = 25.5"

Finger board radius:

The calculation used
(R / 2.54 ) / 10 = Board radii
184 = 7.25"
250 = 9.85"

As for pickups:

They sound the difference, I can't really give you much of a description on those, if you like what you hear that's good enough. My experience is the texas specials are a lil hot, slightly more midrange than the vintage.
There are a few range of dimarzios.

There are:

H = humbucker
S = Single coil

They are classified as
1 = vintage; clear, similar idea to SD ssl-1, fender 57/62
2 = heavy; more prominent midrange response
3 = full range ; based on translation, it is a flat frequency response hot pickup

For pickups, jap strats also use

Lace sensors golds
Texas specials; us made custom shop texas specials
Vintage voiced; possibly the 57/62 as these are US made pickups by fender
Current; my guess is this is the same pickup used on fender standard strats from mexico
Cool guys! Thanks so much, couldn't find all these info on the web at all. I hope I pick up a good strat in Japan when I get there.