Jamming studio for Guitar Tone Shaping.. Dream


New member
I actually had a vivid dream where I was in this jamming studio but it was like a studio dedicated for guitarists to find their ultimate tone. In that dream, the place had all the amps that I had always wanted to try like Mesa Mark V, Fender Deluxe Reverb, Orange Rockerverb, Dumble, Two Rock, Peavey 5150.. Those were the ones in my dream laa. The place was really sweeeet. Each amp was in each own chamber which had aircon, nice turkish carpet, nice suede ikea comfy sofa and it was just me my guitar and the amp. The best part was when this really hot chic (should be the waitress i think) came in to bring me a drink and my fav super ring snack.

As ridiculous as it may sound but yeah I did had this awesome dream.

Then I thought to myself wouldn't it be great if there was really such a thing. I mean I could do without the hot waitress serving me the super ring. But to have a studio just for guitarists to jam with the amp they desire so that it would be much more easier to find that tone we always wanted. I'm pretty sure there would be a demand for such studios as we all know even if we have a stack at home we cant crank it up to the sweet spot without inviting the police over. I'm not sure if this kind of studio exists but if there were, I'm for sure will be up for it.
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