Jam studio operators worthy of recognition and respect


New member

As a player who has been jamming with so many different bands over the course of this year, the one jam studio I've been going back to time and again has been Music Ensemble at the basement of Paradiz Centre.

Many of your would recognise it as the shop selling Daisy Rock guitars, a la the girly guitars.

This is not an idle rambling post because there are two people I would like to mention in this post since I see them as worthy of praise in terms of professionalism in servicing jammers and customers alike. They would be Pauline and Steven, the operators of the Music Ensemble Jamming studio.

I first came across the jam studio through the recommendation of a friend of mine, and I have been a repeat customer at this place because I found Pauline and Steven to be incredibly courteous and friendly. The equipment to be found within the studio is also respectable (as I'm sure many of you who have jammed there might agree).

I would give most of my respect to them because many a time they have been far too kind to the jammers who have gone to jam at ME, to the point where jammers have taken advantage of their kind natures. Drumsticks have been broken repeatedly, jammers have verbally abused and taunted the jam studio operators even though they have jammed beyond their allocated timeslot etc etc.

Many a time I have personally felt too ashamed to ask something of them but they oblige willingly to my request, and that I felt deserved my uttermost gratitude.

Apart from the above, I would say that I have never come across a friendlier bunch who would go out of their way to service jammers. So I urge all softies who have read this to understand the professional manners which are expected of a band when going for a jam (not only for Music Ensemble of course). Because these two are seriously worth the courtesy on our part.

So here's to you, Pauline and Steven. Thanks for the good times, and I look forward to more enjoyable times ahead.
Yeah...!!! That`s true...
The rooms, equipments and services are excelent...
its one of the best jamming studios in singapore..
2-thumbs up for them..
peeps! you shld try jamming in daisy rock guitar!!
if u go there u wont go back!!


for TIET that is. always jammed/practiced there, love the gear, ears fell in love with the twin reverb, wallet gonna feel the pinch some time next year..
nazri of fourtones,
ross of blutails
the guys at soundscape

they have my respect and love =)
hi Crawldaddy,
thank you so much. steven and i will try even harder to do our best, so that everyone who comes by, will leave our studios with a happy heart. it makes our day when we make your day! truly.

hey FabDel,
i sure hope you will indeed come back, time and time again. lol!

Black_Death, hehe, i sure hope that's what he meant!
drownedout, hope to see you around ya!!

hi DoubleBlade,
it's been a while after meeting you at the last classical concert. thank you for remembering me.

to everyone here, i thank all of you who came by and left a deep impression on us. we are truly grateful.

and again, to CrawlDaddy, it's people like you who makes us want to go the extra mile. this makes all the difference to the journey we take. thank you once more.

Lee Kwong Seng Studio...
Keith is certainly a nice guy, known him for a long time and is certainly looking up rather than down with Music Zone Records studio under his wings...
Yea i guess it's pretty hard to run the business and make money from us misers, so kudos to jam studio owners!
hi afterdeath,
thank you for your support. we're always happy to see you and your friends here! :D

hi danilo,
lol. that's a nice way of putting it. i'm sure some jam studio operators are having it tough. it's not an issue of how much more money they can make. covering basic overheads is already a killer. :smt090
as with all businesses in singapore and elsewhere probably, it is a rough ride out there. survival in the jungle needs more than pure passion.


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