J-rock band looking for Guitarist, Bassist, Keyboardist


New member
Hi all,

We're looking for a guitarist, bassist and keyboardist to play with us.
We'll be playing mostly Japanese mainstream music, with focus on ballad-rock styles. (Gazette's Cassis or Pledge as example)

We will be focusing [Cassis] by the Gazette.
However, we will also be playing some other songs as well if you already know the above song.

Currently made of a female vocalist, a male guitarist and a drummer myself, between 19-23.
Gigs and originals will be planned for.
Preferably if completed NS and stays in the West (as all of us do)

We'll be looking out for the following requirements:
- Technical skills and knowledge of instrument - MUST be able to play the above-mentioned songs, being able to improve over time. In short, knowing your own stuff.
- Commitment - if you're already in another band, and unable to commit, do let us know early.
- Character and personality - if we can't get along, not good working together

Race, gender and age not major factor.

Reply to thread or preferably PM. Thanks
konnichiwa, bokuwa riven des,

I am a male vocalist and rhythm guitarist and play the keyboard as well, and I have a bassist, and together we have a band called sonic streak. but we lack a lead guitarist and a drummer. we have played at cosplay events before. I have played solo in cosplay events many times.

our lead guitarist left because he joined another band and told me he was "busy" with school lmao. and our rhythm guitarist refused to play with feeling and play properly, so i told him i will play the rhythm guitar instead :>

well, i was hoping we can merge our bands, we could use your female vocalist in alot of ways, for example the female part in many of gazette songs: filth in the beauty, etc.

and yes, i'm 21 this year, bassist 23. but most importantly, WE HAVE BOTH FINISHED NS

and yes, CASSIS and PLEDGE is in my band's song list, along with shiver, filth in the beauty, vortex etc. and i can play the keyboard parts and rhythm guitar parts for both songs pretty well, i would need your guitarist to play the lead parts because i cannot play lead and do vocals at the same time. we should meet up for a jamming session. please contact me at 96920982. ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA!~ :) :)

here is my band page

here is one of my solo performances at the recent shine youth festival at scape, its CASSIS

over here is bleach opening "alones" full band. the people you see behind, drummer, rhythm guitarist, lead guitarist are not in the band anymore, only the bassist who is on the floor, belongs with me still.

please contact me soon or add me in facebook at http://www.facebook.com/scottriven
Riven helsing,
Still looking.

I forgot to mention: for guitarists, to be able to handle most lead positions, ie: Uruha or Sakito parts for the above-mentioned songs.