It's been a long time.

Hilary Roselle

New member
Woah. Felt like a gazillion years since i last posted. :) updates of my life? idk. Life's pretty boring. working IS boring. sigh. I can't wait for poly to start, actually i'm dying for school to start. teehee. that's when life begins.:) Home was quite a roller coaster. Thank God, my parents did not flare up when they found out about me and Willie. I finally recovered from my infection that was really bad, cause it affected my lungs and voice. :( but well, i'm on speedy road to recovery now ;D rested for one whole week. back to work tmr. :x

PS: knowing Pixie in person is really awesome! she's really a nice person, beautiful inside out!^^ omg! i'm so lovelovelovelovelovelovelove glad she's trusting me to add me on her personal facebook!^^ GAHH!

Just watched Burlesque today as well, of course I'll watch it, Xtina is in it! haha! omg, it's lovelovelovelovelovelovelove awesome too!^^ gonna watch it again with honey tmr again ;D tell next time! <3 <3 <3