Is Imitation The Sincerest Form of Flattery?


New member
i think alot of you have heard of the Joe Satriani vs Coldplay with regards to "If I Could Fly" vs "Viva La Vida"

here's a video of Santana and Malay rockers Sweet Charity; watch and judge for yourselves.
Santana - Europa
Sweet Charity - Bagaikan Bermimpi

i honestly doubt its all mere coincidence haha. although sure, most songs are based on the certain progression, just a difference in key, the permutations for such similarity in musicality is well close to none! hahaha anyone can explain, or better yet, have anything similar to share?
I heard this news over the radio some time ago and I do agree that imitation is the best flattery...BUT...still...somehow it's unethical. :(

If it was like a tribute thingy, then I kinda understand...
I know how it feels like to have an art closely 'modified' and reclaimed as others.
Worst case is that the imitation had more success than myself.
If it is credited it's not so bad...but... plagiarism has no credits.

if I am a big shot I will just smile it off...I cant smile if I am a budding artist.

So I guess the flattery in the imitation is like a hypocrisy.
If you really like it so much, you wont hurt its creator.

If a song takes inspiration from another, then its okay. But to rip it off too obviously its disturbing. A few of my songs takes a few styles from other bands but I also make sure that it retains the style, yet does not make it too obvious its inspiration

The examples above are just a bit... Hmm...

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