tips for buying & selling used gear.
buying -
if you see what you like & require , look at the pics (if any) , scrutinize by zooming in.
call / text the seller and arrange a date and location to meet up to asses the instrument.
as a buyer , it is your responsibility to inspect all the hard ware, wood and electric and electronics.
any damage (slight) to the wood, missing screws/springs from the hardware, pickup do not work correctly (no sound, selector does not select, pots that are jammed, crackly).
if all is in fine order , bargain again (hey, we are asians) and once a price is agreed , ask for a 'return if anything goes faulty' time like 2 days.
always check the hardware as i once bought a bass with the adjustment screw from the bridge B string missing. it was my fault that i overlooked, i had to replace the bridge with a new one as the original bridge was some jap brand and i could not find the part.
check the truss rod, ask or bring your own allen key (by right it should be supplied by the seller) and loosen and tighten the rod to see if its works.
minor dings are alright but it depends on how anal the buyer is.
selling -
if you are selling , remember to give your instrument a look over, check that all the hardware is correct and screws function as required.
be honest about dings and scratches on the body.
change the batteries if the on board electronics require one (or two) no need to use energizer just get fresh eveready black.
clean the instrument.
if a buyer does not revert to you by 2 days, move on and go ahead with another buyer, no point calling out the 'lowball' blame game.
if a buyer has the cash to 'buy it now' ....'sell it now' to he or she now and close the sale.
let the buyer know that if any problems occur in the next 48 hours you will help or take the instrument back (this seldom happens unless the seller is dishonest).