Is anyone here into Soccer..????


New member
I like to knoe, how many of u SOFTIES here are into soccer.
Who knoe' we all may one day open up a SOFT.Com F.C.

Music and Health for life....
haha...i can only play defender position..cos i no gd in dribbling...but damn good in sweeping ppl down...
my football is surely betta than my bass playing. spend more times wif the ball than with my bass. i onlie interested in shooting into goal la, passing and other ronaldinho stuff like crap la. i can onli ram the ball and volley, datz all la.. haha..
I am good at screaming abuse.
btw, when I was in sec sch, I had the nickname 'David Ginola'. ROFLMAO.
i play goalkeeper for some amateur clubs. i'm not that good tho, cos i spend all my time with my bass 8)