IphoneG(S) = Dun throw ipod touch YET!


New member
Before you ask anything,i just have to say its advisable to keep ur ipod touch,and stop urself from switching to iphone now,for there will be a new iPhone3G(s) .

The 'S' don't stand for Singapore, but for speed =)
So u can expect this new lad to open the same files faster then it's 'father' and 'grandfather' with 3G(if that means anything) .

Its alrd realeased,so u can try to get one =)



Singapore will only showcase these iPhones earliest by next month(19th maybe?)
Also,registeration is up at singtel!!!

But still recomemnd u keep iTouch,wait price drops :twisted:

P.s : If this the wrong thread,pls move/delete accordingly .;)
i wonder whats next from the brilliant minds of apple.. HMMM!!>@>!>@!>

but im damn content with my ipod touch 1st gen. Can surf, chat, play game, etc2.. Only abit slower.
The OS 3.0 is also out. Landscape keyboard is what makes iPhone and non iPhone users crazy about the new OS. :D

Kawerty: Why keep the iTouch? :)
why bother with the iPhone? Apart from it looking nice, I don't see what's so great about it apart from its by Apple.

Well, when every other major mobile phone maker starts copying its design and UI, and every other application developer starts writing mind-boggling amounts of applications for it - it does tell you something about this revolutionary product.

Well, when every other major mobile phone maker starts copying its design and UI, and every other application developer starts writing mind-boggling amounts of applications for it - it does tell you something about this revolutionary product.


I agree. If a product is worth all of its competitors bumbling about trying to come up with products inspired by, or similar to the initial one, it speaks volumes of the initial product.

Plus have you used one before? It's touch capabilities are completely unmatched by every single other touchscreen phone.
Used it. But I personally find they're putting too much into it. For that price you expect some stuff, but somehow basic things like forwarding messages, recording video, etc aren't avaliable straight out of the box.
Or maybe I'm just used to something a lot much slimmer with a proper numeric keypad so that's why I don't quite like the iPhone
Competitors have to respond accordingly whether they like it or not. It doesn't showcase explicitly why people go for the iPhone in the first place.

For all you know, people like to stroke their screens instead of pressing buttons. They like how sexy the iPhone looks. So they buy it. And people who see other people having it are pressured to buy it as well so they can be one with the crowd. The list goes on. It speaks volumes of the consumer market and its naivete, not of the product itself.

Result: Competitors have to market their products in order to regain their foothold in the industry. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are 'copying Apple's technological genius' per se.
I will buy an iphone because the apps are fun to play with and because of the 3.5mm audio jack.. yeah, other nokia phones have the 3.5mm jack. but nokia phones' OS are quite boring. the S60 is seriously damn boring. Even though nokia 5800 is nokia's first touchscreen (is it?) phone, it isn't as well-liked as the iphone. simply because nokia's S60 touch UI is damn boring! and other brands like LG samsung start to come up with touch screen phones. The most important thing about touch phones is the touchscreen capability like what tim098 had said. is it laggy? is it sensitive? for iphone, it is not laggy. like when you press home button, it immediately goes back to home. and yeah, the SMS QWERTY keyboard is a headache... but since they have the landscape keyboard for update now, i think it will be better.

and I know a lot of non mac/apple people will think that those people who uses macbooks or iphones are trying to act cool show that they are rich blah blah blah. Some people want to act cool by using iphones or attract attention. That's true but not all.

Why do people want to buy iphones/macbooks? Not because they are like freaking good or what, it's because the other brands are deteriorating... (in the media side like apps music etc.)

Macbooks: Mac OS X with windows vista.. that's quie obvious which is better.

iPhones: nokia S60, windows mobile (sucks), android, iPhone OS... the S60 is boring. Windows mobile is the OS for businessman... the media sucks. Android is for those people who net a lot.. (if there's a 3.5mm jack in the HTC dream, i sure buy it xD) Oh ya, there's samsung AMOLED thing.. I don't know about that but the DNSe EQ presets are quite good. and recently, LG got this dolby surround thing in their phones. Maybe this could win iPhone by quite a bit.. but nobody writes applications for LG...

In My honest Opinion.
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Competitors have to respond accordingly whether they like it or not. It doesn't showcase explicitly why people go for the iPhone in the first place.

For all you know, people like to stroke their screens instead of pressing buttons. They like how sexy the iPhone looks. So they buy it. And people who see other people having it are pressured to buy it as well so they can be one with the crowd. The list goes on. It speaks volumes of the consumer market and its naivete, not of the product itself.

Result: Competitors have to market their products in order to regain their foothold in the industry. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are 'copying Apple's technological genius' per se.

Well, do you know how many patents Apple had filed for the iPhone?

Over 200 of them. Yes, Apple invented over 200 new technologies.



Add genius marketing to a genius product (which Americans have always excelled in) and voila!

Everybody wants an iPhone.

And everybody else wants to make their own mobile phones look and feel like an iPhone.

Well, you can't please every single person but if it's become a buzzword that's on everybody's lips - then they must be doing something right.

And oh, welcome to all the Apple fanboys.

by the time the new iphone comes out in singapore the dev team have already done jailbreaking it i think. just nice...might be changing since im using the 2G, oh yea why iphone so great? can we put great games into other phones can i have a fully touchscreen sims 3 gameplay? its the most fun phone out there and no other phones can beat it. check out the LG Arena. its like a total copy.
For all you know, people like to stroke their screens instead of pressing buttons. They like how sexy the iPhone looks. So they buy it. And people who see other people having it are pressured to buy it as well so they can be one with the crowd. The list goes on. It speaks volumes of the consumer market and its naivete, not of the product itself.

Result: Competitors have to market their products in order to regain their foothold in the industry. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are 'copying Apple's technological genius' per se.

Haha. They are copying. Who started the "touch-phone" craze? Although iPhone is not the first touch phone, but after it came out, korean phone manufactures like Samsung and LG produced a lot of touch phones. There ain't a rule saying that "You must copy the trend now to survive.". The phone companies can start a trend like designing new slide phones or candybars and whatnot.

And I agree to a certain extent that some people who buy an iPhone just to be in the crowd. Well, it happens to all the new phones what.
In fact, most people 'copied' other people. When you saw this guy or woman holding this phone and you think it's damn nice. You will consider buying it. It's quite difficult to be the first to buy a trendy phone and let everyone follows you...

I hope to get the iPhone 3G though.... I hope singtel will lower the price. and to paradox: the iPhone 3G can jailbreak already? I hope the jailbreaking is just connect iPhone and click button and done. Haha. The installer.app is the best man. :mrgreen:
iphone cannot send files via bluetooth rite.

Nope,as far as i know,iPhone has a similar software to sand file from one iPhone to another,if i'm not wrong,itouch could also be used,i heard it sumwhere,but not sure bout itouch.

As far as i'm concerned,i perfer to use Apple's developed software is just bout its software in it i could use,and much easier to use.
Although many likes Windows,but many could not agree more that on the desktop itself,it runs out of space to put icons/files and other stuffs all on the desktop face due to its grid interface .However,u could stack a million files on one another in mac,and it will still be manageble,plus,u could use the 'Manage desktop' to space out the files again .

Not to mention its 'comes-with' software like GarageBand,iPhoto,iMovie just to name a few.
It's satrt up is also relatively faster compared to Windows,and if u use it wisely,lags/hangs could be avoided.Safari compared to IE is much better interms on simplicity,and i don't get freaking problems when i go in my hotmail accounts =.=

Although a common problem is that u can't play Windows' game on Macs,they forgot one thing,that is : THE MAC IS NOT DESIGNED TO LET U FREAKIN PLAY UR CHILDISH GAMES! :mad:

But for Phones,i still have yet to own an iPhone,so could not compare =)

Note: i state to keep itough is cause of the similar things it could do other than calling/smsing like the iPhone =) so u might wanna consider to wait for price drops,like me ^^
iphone cannot send files via bluetooth rite.

They have an app called Mover which can send files from one iPhone/iTouch to another iPhone/iTouch. How often do we send files to one another?. :)

I am currently using an iTouch. An iPhone is like an iTouch that can message and make calls. I would go for an iPhone if I have the money but not so soon. :D

The OS 3.0 is really a nice upgrade to have. Comes landscape keyboard, voice memo and the coolest upgrade, Shake-to-Shuffle.
landscape keyboard? i thought just tilt the damned thing and can get landscape already??!!

i still prefer my e71 nokia qwerty pad phone. some like some dont like but still ok la. i heart my itouch too! haha

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