Intro : xiaoCarol

lol WHAT. is not really quarrel lahs =.=
reason why i disbanded it was because ...well dont know whats the reason anyway ...

we're formed a new one anyway . lol ;DDD
metzalx >> keke.. thanx thanx ^^ u'r a stomper too??

fgl >> kk :)

xenOgenesis >>> Wah 8O u also join soft liaoz.. LoL.. yea.. band form liao?? kekeke.. so the guitar is tat time the guy ar??
saddddddddddddddddd.. can't go
=/ already plan to go watch movie liaoz


btw y'all will play wat song?
8O 8O

wa.. so warm welcome aa.. when i intro myself only 2 guys welcomed me :evil:

i should reincarnate myself here as a girl. can someone recomand me a sexy nick? :lol:

anyway welcome! welcome! :wink:

ps: is soft = color wolf den? :lol:
you'll totally regret it when we find out that you're a guy

>> so tat person is actually a ger or guy??? o.0

anyway, welcome to the fray carol

keke.. thanx thanx ^^

wa.. so warm welcome aa.. when i intro myself only 2 guys welcomed me

i should reincarnate myself here as a girl. can someone recomand me a sexy nick?

anyway welcome! welcome!

ps: is soft = color wolf den?

thanx thanx too ^^ kekeke, feel so great when so many seniors of soft welcome me =D

lol.. color wolf. if like tat.. i run away first.. lol =p