Intro: xchelly.chelly

Welcome to soft.
Im quite new here myself.
Hope we can get along fine and learn a thing or two from each other.
unfortunately im 21...
well i have been in soft for quite sometime b4 i create my own account..tats y i noe tat fgl will always come..haha
LOL. hello all :)
no my name isnt a food type :)
and you people are super funny! i swear!
and i appreciate all your kind and solid gestures!
im sure id make full use of them! :)
im one who could get along with all sorts of people; young and young at heart!
besides we all have something in common that is our love for music! :)
tis is the place where musician from all over singapore gather..
of cos it ROX!
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welcome to soft! any questions you got about the music scene and other stuff, feel free to ask. we'll try to answer them!
any questions u have either u can find it here or u will get the ans frm somebody..
we dont need to try 1..we have the ans!
God bless chelly!
ahaa! girl thread! no wonder very long. hehe

oh yeah velcome to soft! ure not suppose to know me, coz it goes wrong with my name.
ahaa! girl thread! no wonder very long. hehe

oh yeah velcome to soft! ure not suppose to know me, coz it goes wrong with my name.

now what is that suppose to mean, your giving chelly here a wrong impression.
everyone knows that we give equal welcome treatment between guys and girls.