Intro: TRH. A new place to ROCK out..


I'm not sure where else to post this, so I put this up here.

Just trying to help create more awareness for this place called TRH (aka Top Rock Hero) which is at Orchard Plaza.

We have 3 nights of live ROCK music, in a row, for Rock enthusiasts every week..

See 2 of Singapore's most experienced and professional rock band belt out Classic, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Ballads, Soft Rock, Metal, and Modern Rock hits.

With music ranging from bands like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Uriah Heep, Dio, Rainbow, Deep Purple, Guns 'N' Roses, Skid Row, Creed, and a whole lot more!

Watch INCA on Thursdays and NOIZEGATE every Friday & Saturday, 10pm to 3am, and blow your mind away.

Come on down to TRH (AKA Top Rock Hero) at #02-19, Orchard Plaza (above the indian coffeeshop, facing Holiday Inn) and ROCK it hard, and ROCK it good.

Come on down, and rock your pants off..

We also have an Open Mic Nite @ TRH, on every Wednesday, for local bands who are willing to showcase their talent and strut their stuff onstage.

All genres are ok except for thrash, gore, death and hardcore.

House rules are:
No expletives and vulgarities
No damaging of equipment
No outside drinks

Each band is allocated 45 minutes to strut their stuff.
The set up is for 2 guitarists, 1 drummer, 1 bassist and 2 vocalists. Equipment is provided, but interested bands have to bring their own instruments. If you have a keyboardist, there is no extra amp for it, but we can hook it up to the main PA system.

And yes, you can bring along your friends to watch, as there is no cover charge.

You can check out the place this coming thur-sat, and maybe rock out. We have live rock music from 10pm-3am on those days.

Contact me for more details.

Whatever you do, the song remains the same..

See you there.
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Ceasure of TRH Rock Lounge

Dear All,

Please be informed that TRH will no longer continue the Open Mic Wednesdays as of today, 30th June 2009.

At the same time, the establishment will no longer be operating under the name TRH Rock Lounge and we will cease the Rock Lounge concept due to management issues.

The current management that previously ran TRH Rock Lounge would like to apologize to all our patrons and supporters. In time, a new premise will be sourced out to continue our mission.

Asfi, for ATE Mgmt
There were some management and liscencing issues bro. We don't want to operate without valid liscences on the part of the establishment. It's ok, we will source out for a new place to rock out soon. I'll keep you guys updated.
