Intro: Talk about your first band!!


New member
(Sorry james, feel free to move this thread heh.)

Heylo people. What was your first band like? And uh...tell everyone abit about yourselves in the process :wink:

I'll start... I play bass since 1995. But my first band was in 1994, and i was on drums HAHA. Who laugh will die k 8) We never had a name, and we were playing covers of GnR, Smashing Pumpkins, Greenday, Metallica, Pantera. I know it sounds like alot, but it wasnt alot of songs. I only remember dying alot on attempting Pantera and Metallica. I remember we were basically made up of 5 people but only 4 at once, and the lineup shifted alot... hahaha. Ok thats abit too much...

My first 'real' band was called Disharmonic Symphony. I didnt name the band! We played Iron Maiden, Helloween and some other long haired old skool metal covers... There were some originals I think but not many. Jammed a whole lot but never performed except at some competition. I only remember us playing a Helloween song in the finals and leaving shortly after! \m/!!!!

Sorry for the long post, I'm feeling old today.