Intro : Supercalifragalistic91. Hey softies!!

Hey! jus wanna intro myself....
I'm supercali-bla bla or u can call me jun:)
I live in Harbourfront,18 yrs old and waiting for poly to start!!haha...(Btw any1 from sp here)
In the mean time jus partying all the way...
Not exactly new here...
i always view da gigs/concert section..
oh maybe some of u may recognize me from LNL commercials im dat big white dude standing behind utt smiling and doing stupid faces!!...hehe
i like to play da acoustic in my free time and wants to learn to play the bass badly!!:D
sup ! I live near harbourfront and study in SP and always view the gig/concert section and am 18 too. hahahaha.
Hey jaarvis, u from gan eng seng sec rite?
Haha thanks everyone...i feel so welcomed!!
to fgl, i am so honoured to be in the
Arsenal fc fo life ya!!! haha
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initially, i play guitar,
tot its hard,
change to bass...
in the end not used to it..
so now change back to electric guitar..

jy in learn bass!
helo supercali...wahh so long!
cal u jun instd cn?
im Qyd,19.
welcum to soft!
Haha i noe very long rite..yea u can call me jun:)..Hi qyd and hyde...

to qyd:
sry for da name lol dat word was jus stuck in my head wen i was creating my username lol...

to hyde:
yea bass is kinda hard hands so chubby and small wan to move thru da frets already so