intro : renfred


New member

My name is Renfred. 16 this year. I study in Pei Cai Secondary. I recently took part in the campus superstar competition. That's about all i think, haha. Have a nice day =)
To vegecrackers : Hi i am fine thxs for asking. O's tis yr so have to study hard.

To Indigo blues : Yes i was at the superband finals supporting my bro's band SOUL, hehe.

To vheissu : I used to play piano, stopped at grade 6. I prefer to sing and dance now =)
oh yea... the olvls. a lot of ppl flopped it siaa... my friend go retake... originally b3, then drop to c5... blame the teacher. they suck. XD
Thxs for the welcome gabee and Ized.

Vheissu yes, juz got back my results for O's chinese paper. Didn't do too well, haha

Vegecrackers i'll try my best, thxs. Haha.