Strange thing,time. It weighs the most on those who has it the least. Nothing is lighter than being young with the world on your shoulders;it gives you a feeling of possibility so seductive, you know there must be something more important than studying for exams.
strats said:
Strange thing,time. It weighs the most on those who has it the least. Nothing is lighter than being young with the world on your shoulders;it gives you a feeling of possibility so seductive, you know there must be something more important than studying for exams.

really? I only remember that my mom told me that if I didn't study, I would become a garbage collector when I grew up, and that wasn't an entirely attractive prospect, since it doesn't exactly entitle you to many benefits such as the purchase of obscene quantities of musical instruments. So there wasn't really much choice. Unless garbage collecting encompasses divine inspiration of some unworldly sort which lets you attain nirvana or something. Anyway I don't remember what I was talking about so I'll just post some random picture here which is probably worth just as much discussion value, seeing as I do not have anything else of sufficient sanity to say and insanity is apparantly not a very admirable trait

You came, you went
Your time has been spent
Through flames,
And pink head band games.
You were a grade hater,
And a chronic masterbater
Through comics, and reps,
You took small steps,
At becoming a great,
But now it's to late.
Your name has be pissed on, and your face too.
You will be missed thru and thru

cus we dont care th tcher, thn we go on th computer.
hahaha. don't think he cared.
trainee tcher! i hate trainee tchers.
he punishd me & sent me t stand at a cornr.
cus he caught th person opposite me talking.
like wth!??!
tcher some cockeye one. last time my bio teacher also screw us for no reason. i was in the com lab today too. XD