intro: phael


New member
wassup all...I'm raphael here, but my friends call me phael for short. (No ninja turtle jokes please)

anyway i'm a 19 yr old guitarist...been playing guitar for around 4 years but only got serious about it 2 years ago or so... currently taking lessons from Beez (hi si fu!!) who kinda introduced me to this site... not really familiar with the local music scene except for a coupla of the more well known bands...quite noob lah basically, so qing duo duo ze jiao...^^
HI!! nice NAME!!!!!

i'm shredder!! :p

haha ok just being annoying... :smt077
what type of music do you dig?
Raphael, dont worry about the local scene. what we need now is performance-grade musician. learn more from Beez and practise hard.
Hey shredder and soft (Is soft the lao ban here?) thanks for the warm welcome...

shredder: I'm into most all kinda rock and metal and certain other kinds of genres- soft jazz and some blues basically. Favourite bands and guitarists are Skid Row, G n'R, Megadeth, COB, joe satch, RHCP and this thing for female vocs too...think female rockers are damn cool... you leh?

soft: Thanks for the encouragement a band but NS is in the way...and it's a long way to the top if you're gonna rock n' roll... :wink: But Beez is a great teacher and I'll work hard to be as great a guitarist as he is one day.

Rock on
AEnimic said:
HI!! nice NAME!!!!!

i'm shredder!! :p

haha shredder my foot

Anyways welcome!! haha i may have seen you before, thinking of taking lessons from beez too.....he was willing to teach me!!

its quite a privilege, considering that he says he dosent take new students anymore.
dammit la...shredder inside ninja turtles la,he the villain...nabey.....^ what only ized...
All we need is Michaelangelo,Donnatello and Leonardo.....Kiddin.Welcome to the abandoned land,and dont let NS hinder your pathway cos im gonna enter soon and that never fazed me.In the words of Twisted Sister;We Are Not Gonna Take It!