Intro : Peagee


New member
Hi to all the sunshine people of!

I'm 17 this year, and just finished my O levels. I like to play a variety of instruments, so it keeps me interested in learning.

I've been playing bass since 2001, but not much gigging experience. I played only in school bands because everyone wanted to be a guitar player and opting to be a bass player got me a number of jobs then. Haha! I'm using a Hartke 5 string bass.

I've been playing guitar since 2001 too, and not much gigging experience as well. I've only played in 2 shows, and would so dearly want to play more, because I've recently grew very much interested in guitar playing. I'm using a Warmoth Custom Stratocaster, lined into Korg AX1500G, Boss Blues Driver, Boss Equalizer and Boss Super Chorus. My other guitars include a Yamaha RGXTT, Martin D-1 acoustic guitar and a George Lowden classical guitar.

I've been playing drums since 2000. Some gigging experience. Have troubles with the metronome but am still learning to be friends with it. Haha! I usually incorporate my Zildjian A custom Fast Crash, Mastersound Hats and a stacked K Zildjian Splash with an Oriental Trash Splash. My main sticks are Travis Barker sticks, because they're kinda beefy so it makes me exercise. Haha!

I am constantly writing new material. I am not practising hard enough. Haha! But I guess this is what keeps most of us alive? Haha! Ok, hope to play music. And I mean, MUSIC.
wow u must be one lucky ,ridiculously affluent multi-instrumentalist.
how do u juggle all these 3 instruments.... the costs, maintainance, learning and practising it?

The next dave grohl?
u must be one hell of a rich guy... and do u have ur owe drums or did u just buy ur owe cymbal line up w/o drums?
hifi_killer : I don't really know how, haha! Costs, I don't think it's much of an issue considering I don't practise much. Lol! Maintainence maybe strings and heads. Learning and practising it, hehe no clue. Friends give alot of tips though.

dryfinish : I'm not a rich guy. I just happen to get stuff. Hehe, tho I really wish I was. I have my own drums.

dhalif : Hay man. Haha, I'm not. You're too skilled... just too skilled. :twisted:

Sorry for any misuse of words or stuff. Happy hunting.
Hehe.. no lar.. most of them are my father's but he gave them to me when he passed away.. so I'm like continuing on using it.

in the 80s, i happen to catch a 'Abang' testing an Ibanez artist guitar thru a twin reverb, at old swee lee 3rd flr Plz Sing, churning out Benson-ish jazzy blues licks n even scat to them. I sat on the amp next to him, to let my jaw drop further. His phrases were just 'urrrgggh' killa! From then on, i was inspired to try playing that genre of music as well. One of my most respected local musicians, his credentials n musicianship says it all.

to me, 'B'-Quartet is doing the 'Man' proud. Keep going Hidir \m/

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