Hey everyone, I'm a 23 year old male who's been listening to metal/rock ever since I was 11. Started off with Nirvana, Metallica. Moved on to White Zombie, Pantera etc. Now it's a whole range right from Danzig & Slayer to Marilyn Manson and Lamb of God.
Haven't been playing a guitar for that long to be honest, just over a year. I own a B.C Rich Warlock custom fitted with EMG 81 pickups. With that comes a GT2 pedal, boy does it sound good! I do hope to meet fellow music enthusiasts who share the same interests and who knows, maybe form a band and thrash a few places.
My most memorable gig I've been to had to be in July this year, Ozzfest 2004!! Watched Slipknot, Slayer, Dimmu Borgir, Black Sabbath, Lamb of God and whole lot of other bands.
Well I guess that's about as brief as I can try to be about myself. Hope to hear from anyone of you guys soon. See ya
Haven't been playing a guitar for that long to be honest, just over a year. I own a B.C Rich Warlock custom fitted with EMG 81 pickups. With that comes a GT2 pedal, boy does it sound good! I do hope to meet fellow music enthusiasts who share the same interests and who knows, maybe form a band and thrash a few places.
My most memorable gig I've been to had to be in July this year, Ozzfest 2004!! Watched Slipknot, Slayer, Dimmu Borgir, Black Sabbath, Lamb of God and whole lot of other bands.
Well I guess that's about as brief as I can try to be about myself. Hope to hear from anyone of you guys soon. See ya