INtro: Louiza Starrrarr

of course we're all good musicians. don't you think? louiza will definitely learn so much from us experienced drummers.

so who's interested in teaching her so far?

haha! or maybe interested in other stuff huh!

L? as in the freaky dude who walks around with a hunch and always eating sweet things as if he won't get diabetes some day!! haha

biopromax, you sound like a brown nosing jellyfish with a very very distinguishing hidden agenda...

first an unofficial meetup, and t hen u wanna learn keys... whats next? another not so epic movie like meet the spartans?
Guys Guys..U can see the difference between a guys intro and a girls intro..

The guys will always get half the views and replies from what the girls get.. hahah

Like what dime says, CHEEKY SOFTIES!!

sad world we live in yeah.. so much for being good musicians haha..

anyways biopromax, what ur saying is so contradictory.... ok let me recap...

first, u say u know the number long time ago - which bring an impression to the rest of the cheekies here ouh shit, this dude knows her man!!! *in an american accent* aha

2ndly, u asked for a meet, which later u say she's not free. - contradiction!

3rdly, u suggested for an unofficial meeting.. another contradiction when u say she's not free.

4thly, u said she's not interested in anyone... BUT u say be a good musician, another contradiction.

finally, u said u wanna learn the keys, what does that imply??? i let the rest of the of you fine gentlemen decide.

till then, au revoir mon frere!
haha ok i come in peace... AIYAH!

I mean no harm lah! Wah, please spare me. Wah didnt know its gonna get so serious! Wah spare me le. I dont want people to hate me for this.

Cheers ok guys.

And welcome to soft to everyone :)

OK . wah getting so serious sia. LOL.
Im a mix of philippines and portugese which makes me an eurasian. rarrr!~


haha sure, we can teach you the drums!
i mean, sure, I can teach you the drums!

haha damn i'm one day late for april fools.

anybody got fooled by anyone yesterday?
Alamak guys will be guys la even to the point of being egoistic and showing who has the bigger balls to stand up for the gal ;) didnt see that comming right? haha anyway im sure she knows we are all joking... guys have to remember that girls are smart too yea?

Well point to conclude is that im sure that each one of us would be glad to teach u as a teacher to student basis but nothing more hmm.. ok not everyone of us but the minority hahaha... and im pretty happy having found the gal of my dreams but whats wrong with a couple of harmless joking eh? =D
Nah Just Kiddin when i said that.. ooo start war haha see la Jugman now im gonna be labled as MCP whahaha =P
MCP? is that a new band, bro?

My Chemical.....Prostitute?

hahah kkk i'm kidding.

damn i'm too late for april fools. NOOOOO