Intro: Kai


New member
hello all! im kai here.. or of cos known as Mudskipper, how i get this nickname is a long and stupid story.. but nonetheless, thats what u guys here can call me! im 18(woots M18 movies~)!! and im currently Band-less! so im free to join 1, that's if any1 wants me.. T_T haha.

so.. i play de DRUMS (Pwnage =P)!!! but i dun own a set.. =( been playing since im 13 and i picked it up on my own.. self learning is rather limited i guess..? so im not good at all yet.. =( and im only playing for my church service (no, not only the boring slow hymnals!! ;))..

however with some of u pros here, i guess i can learn some things.. =P songs that i normally listen to are japanese songs, j-rock or j-pop (dunno wads the diff), but they are anime OP/ED songs by 'not so famous' bands and singers (i think).. actually i just listen to anything i find pleasing, except techno/trance/metal/ type (sorry to lovers of this genre, no offence n peace V^^V).. im quite picky anyway, so sorry to peeps out there!! i dun mean any harm or insult!! peace!! =D

so hope to be able to attend the next SOFT gathering, probably the 1 after 5th of Jan cos i've got a bowling competition on that day (no im not a bowler =/ i play bball). hope 2 hear from u guys soon...and get more tips from drummers all around!! =D peace and cheers to all!! ^^

btw if any1 wanna add me on msn, ure more than welcome at just give an intro of who u are, and dun say i added u alright? gets irritating sometimes. =( cheerios!! =D
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Hey, welcome! =D Wow, playing drums for 5 years? Should be quite good what.

I think anime OP/ED mostly by the voice actresses/actors themselves, but actually for the bands, I think some are quite famous.
really meh? lol.. i wan go buy UVERworld and Abingdon Boys School cannot find lorr.. oni Abingdon saw 1 recently.. lol.. asian kung-fu generation oso dun have leh..
Yeah, UVERworld and Abingdon quite famous, or High and Mighty Color also though in Singapore it is a little harder to find their CDs.
Lol, yeah hor. Go Taiwan easier to buy, you go a random CD shop at the airport also can find their CD lol.
woo bro welcome.5 yrs on drums can do super fast double bass?that would really be for metal.but sad you dont listen metal.
haha.. sadly i dun have a drumset of my own.. i only play at church and visualise how i play and practice for abt 2 hrs on practices on the day before.. haha.. im still a newbie in terms of skills.. haha..