Intro : Jun / I make those flashy visuals that appear behind musicians


New member
Hello all,
I'm Jun and i'm looking into expanding my portfolio as a live visualist, or VJ.
As the title says, whenever desired i give a performance something extra with thought out live background visuals.

So far i've only worked with one band, B-Quartet, and some poetry shows, but i would like to try different/new things, like theatre, working with DJs, noise, basically anything new to discover.

Here's a link to some of my stuff.

My interest lies in the live performance of things, be it music, dance, drama, poetry, or any other thing thats "LIVE" in front of an audience.

Critiques welcome for the videos from the link.
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nice stuff really.. what software do you use, if you don't mind me asking? Do you require any audio input to generate visuals?
somebody replied

Long time coming, but better late than never,

The software i use for live performance is something called Modul8, but there are may other alternatives out there. Modul8 suits me for now.

In the clips-making department, all the usual suspects, FCP, iMovie.

Probably the most important thing is the imagination/creativity, blah blah
(cliche, i know)

I'm still learning though. Anyway, i'm accepting requests/work so if anyone out there is interested in visuals for their live shows, my offer still stands.
New video in collaboration with Muxx.

-mux is a collective formed by bani haykal, Luqman Hakim and Siraaj Anwar; out to experiment and device new performances weaving sound design, music and text.-

Here's the video link:
here's another link:
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What day is it today?

What Day Is It Today? is a spoken word experiment which explores the use of language and meaning by deconstructing a premise to further expand an experience within a story told through the use of various mediums which includes music, sound sculpture and visuals.

Bani Haykal writes and performs music and spoken word. He is the vocalist and main songwriter for B-Quartet. He is a published writer and has collaborated with other artists in their works. Working with him on What Day Is It Today? are Bani Hidir, Luqman Hakim, Siraaj Anwar, UAN, Darius Shah, Syed Muhammad Danial and Jun.

What Day Is It Today? has been developed under the auspices of SPARKS, Esplanade’s Creative Development Programme.

Do come and see if you can spare the time.
Compliments very humbly accepted. =]

All the audio's done by Bani Haykal, a writer/poet/musician.
From what i know he used to participate in poetry slam events.
What's the definiton of one?

I just make the videos and he gave me plenty of excellent material to chew on. More to come hopefully.

Do check out the show that happening this coming monday at the esplanade if you have time to spare. The said poet's the writer, and i'm on visuals.
I'll have to catch your work on Vimeo or something. Oh, I hope you'll consider sharing your videos at sites like and releasing them under a Creative Commons license. When I try to look for video footage there, much of what I find are US-centric. I would love to use your visuals in my homemade music videos for my guitar instrumentals. This is what I've produced so far:

From what i know he used to participate in poetry slam events. What's the definiton of one?
Poetry Slam can be described as "performance poetry". Original works are read aloud and conducted in a 'competition' format. The judges are usually people picked from the audience and they rate each performance like how judges flash a card with their scores (like gymnastics, ice skating competitions).
Well, it's not like i'm earning much from it, so just have at it!
I think there's a link to download the video at the vimeo site.

I'm still slowly learning about this Creative Commons Culture thing, so the Swakoo-ness must be forgiven.

Anyway, if you liked the visual for morning sunrise, you should see the following link.

then try it.
was at the substation show. i like your visuals, i think you've got something good going on
ah crap, i was not aware that the video had been taken down. Apologies.

Thanks for the kind words though! Glad that someone out there appreciates.

oh and by the way if anyone's selling a Korg entrancer (KPE-1),
wants visuals for a show,
or wants visuals for any sort of experiment and/or event,
do drop me a message.
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