Intro: jumpingjack


New member

I shall un-lurk on this early thursday morning and reveal my n00b status in this forum.

Hahahahaha, no lah.

Actually, I'm not even a musician! But music has been a great part of me since I was young. (not that I'm very old now, of course) I was enamoured with JRock like DEG, X-JAPAN, PIERROT, AUCIFER, MALICE MIZER, PLASTIC TREE, L'ARC, GLAY etc etc. I used to dig them so much I wanted to play the bass (like Toshiya, Jiro, can't remember any other bassists at the time being..)

....then after free lessons from bassics (I'm his 'special friend'* afterall) he sorta told me I'm abit CMI, so never mind lor. Somemore need to cut nails! I was so sad for awhile. Girls cannot have botak nails mah, not nice.

OK back to my music history. After awhile my JRock fad started to die down. That's when I got intro-ed (? or forced?) to black metal/metal/assorted rock bands like Cynical Annihilation (a must-mention :roll: ), Cradle of Filth, King Diamond, Soilwork, Racer X, etc etc...(as you can see I abit the lazy to list all the bands lah yeah)

That was 2004-2005. From 2005 onwards I started listening to various bands like Mr Big, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, Weezer, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Casiopeia, T-square.

As you can see, I'm quite varied in my tastes in music and I pretty much like all types of music. But still! Jrock is my first love and I still appreciate a bit of Gackt/Hyde here and there. Besides, it helps practise my Japanese.

But. Like I said. I'm not a musician.

I'm a photographer. A gig photographer, to be specific.

So far I've covered quite a lot of events with my bella the canon 350D, and will be honoured to entertain more requests of gig coverage. I've covered from rock to jazz to pop and am still wanting more. In fact, if you want to see my works for yourself, you can check out this link:

Some of you have even seen me before! I lurk behind the palm trees in LaSalle-SIA, because I have stalkerish tendencies. Tee hee hee.

Well anyway, to close my extremely vapid introduction to this forum, cheers to those who've managed to read to this point without attempting to stab their eyes out with forks at my randomness.


*special friend: I wash his laundry, cook his food, fold his boxers, tolerate his snoring, smile painfully when he attempts to dance with his bass; yeah, technically I'm his mom. HI SON! *waves across the forum*

P/S: I'm open for gig photography. Just PM me if you want!
.... the 3 flaming msgs was childish and lame people make mistakes, why the sudden childish outburst? Please la a simple hey that info is wrong is enough. so angry for what? tsk..
Crispyegg - Yah! He speaketh!

Kentheman, that's where I stay...unless your "he" refers to me.

Poolo, I can't really remember who's blues and who's not (not gonna risk being flamed. again.), but I do enjoy Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong. Would Eric Clapton be considered as blues?

I wouldn't know. I admit I'm not a musician, and I wouldn't know if a song contains 12-bar blues even if it held a gun against my head. Heh.

But still, don't bash me ah. I love music, that's all.
i think she meant the chocolate face oldie blues as well as the 90s vanilla face blues. (go figure.)

omg thebandpics! :D
Nah, don't worry. You can call Evanescence "Dark Rock" for all I care.

That's really cool, I love Ray Charles and Clapton. Going for Clapton concert tomorrow? :wink: