Intro: Joyc


New member
Hi everyone,
Juz browsing ard, and gotten bored with life and found this forum. Used to play the trumpet in school band, learnt a little percussion on the side, and picked up a little orchestral percussion as electives in Uni. However, still can't play the drums properly, since I don't have a drum set at home.
Would like to start learning and hopefully jam properly soon.. If anyone has a good rock/jazz drum intstructor in recommend, would be really great.
My musical influence, isn't really broad enough, some jazz, a lot of Chinese pop, J-Rock, some alternative rock, classical stuff as well, plus some songs which i can't seem to categorise. heh

Hope to learn from everyone here. Would like to find out what kind of bands and music everyone listens to.

Yep, you can call me Joyc (pronounced joyce of coz). My full name is Joyclene.
hi joyc. yeah it can be a headache if u do not have the instrument to play to pract with. i used to hear from friends, they use books(yes books) to simulate the pads and occassionally go to the real thing to really get the feel.

nice seeing u ard =)
hi joyc..

I guess it`ll be a gd start for you to get a drum pad..n start practising..

can look out fer bks n videos...

When i first started out, gt advice frm many frens/ gd musicians..

to practise the ll help a lot when your doin fills n basically everything.

For help a lot =)...

n meanwhile u can look fer the right instrutor 8)
Oh yeah, I am thinking of investing in some lessons , get the rust out of my fingers(i've not held my percussion sticks for at least 3 yrs!). Was wondering about electronic drums, have seen some of those ard in yamaha and swee lee.

What are drum pads?
Any good books and videos to recommend?

It's been so long and when i learnt orchestral, it was not just the drums which i wanted, but had to do the bells, and xylos and timpanies and all. So my intention is to start from scratch. A little old for that, but hey! we've gotta start somewhere right? Was contemplating learning the guitar, but i figured, i'm more comfy with the drums.

joyc said:
What are drum pads?
Any good books and videos to recommend?

"what are drum pads"
I dun really know how to explain that, but it sorta acts like a snare drums, its for you to practise your strokes and rudiments...u can get one @ yamaha PS..if they still haf it there..can try rankingsports too. If you dun wish to can use old bicycle tires? or erm pillows?

About books n vids...there are a wide range availiable...iam not sure wich one to recommend tho...

:) hopes this lil info helps
Hi Joyc, from what I've seen n heard during my 12 yrs as a musician, if you want to acquire better knowledge n skill in drumming, you should start listening to rock song song from the 70s era. THats what my drummer did when he first got hold of the drumsticks. Have got lots of feedbacks from ppl saying he's one hell of a drummer considering the fact that 'he never had any drumming lessons from anyone or any school. Books alone can't do much gd but the real thing is. Try it....
Hi Stingray and Lombardo...
thanks a lot for all the advice.

I'm still grasping what i like and don't like. At present, have to make do with whacking the pillows and trying to listen to as wide a range as possible.

i've seen some of those instructional videos, and honestly, they look like i'll take a million years to learn! Taking a step at a time, and yes, i would like to read drum scores. I've seen them before, learnt a little and forgot all of it! thought getting an instructor sometime later so i can lay the foundation.

thanks everyone too for the warm welcome. Hope to learn more from everyone!
Hi Joyce, Whatever you desire will definitely come true one day if you realy go for it but whatever it is, where music is concern, the one most important thing that you must have when playing on any instruments and any song, is the FEEEEEELLLL....That's when you'll play good music.....Gd Luck!!!
hi and welcome, could i draw ur attention to a program called GuitarPro? u can get the tabs from, and the things usually have the scores for every instrument playing a particular song, even the drums. best part is, u can press play, listen, slow it down, listen somemore, and try to play along. hope that was of help ^^

p.s. just do a search on google for guitarpro and u shld be able to find it :D
thanks pple! If i'd found this forum earlier.... sheesh, so many years wasted putting something you like on the backbench. :roll:

I've been playing ard with my sticks and gosh, really rusty!
Anyone know of a good instructor in the bugis/bras basah area? I'd like to learn basic, but my inclination's rock and jazz (yes, 2 extremes, but these 2 have always been my preference) I know if i wanted to learn jazz guitar, I'd go to Rick Smith, the guy who plays are Harry's at boat quay, but after i considered, i still decided i love drums the most.
Was thinking to get started first with an instructor, learn the basics and rudiments and learn to read some music before approach a seasoned jazz drummer. Coz i know jazz's hard to gasp.

I hear Tony Zee's good... who else? Any recoommendations?

Glad to be "meeting" so many drum and music lovers here. :wink:
Um not so sure about tony zee details..

Why dun u try brandonkhoo? he charges $30 per lesson.

He`s pretty gd...

Yep, its not surprising...i love both extremes too ie, jazz n heavymetal.

I guess as musicians, u must be open minded to a wide spectrum of muscial genres ;)
learn drums

hi... although i am no drum player... but i have a few friends picked up drums via those machines u see in the arcade....

it seems that it those arcade machine work really well for my friends...
myabe u can try it out since u dont have any drum set at home..

keep on rocking
let your heart do the walking, not your fingers
drum game machines are spastic.
please do not even start there.
trust me.
get a lot of practice.
as much as you can.
listen to as many different kinds of music possible.
and air-drum.
looks retarded at times.
but it helps in ur coordinations.
i dun agree with books.
but i insist on a mentor.
find someone who can commit time to coach.
very impt.
and if you can, get a set at home to prac.
like i have. keeps me busy.