Intro : EvilGtr


I'm so bored doing nothing in my office and i've run out of ideas as to what topic i could come up with. Lemme re-introduce myself again

28 years old, sales manager somewhere, no band, no looks, no money. I use cheap gear but try to make the most out of it. uhm

Favorite songs are pop from the 80s like footloose, power of love etc, cartoon theme songs like mask from the 80s, ninja turtles etc
Favorite musical would have to be phantom of the opera (my favorite's music of the night)
favorite artistes include madonna (Crazy for you) :lol: omg she's so sexy, elton john (The One) and uh.... guitarist would be steve morse (check his runaway train tumeni notes and stressfest; you'll be like wow........)

I'll add more to the thread if anyone could be bothered to read more about me lol. Till then :wink:
wow u sure live in the 80s. i bet u don't carry a cellphone... they're too advance for you yah?

oh but aren't u using the internet now? :oops:
hey that wasnt nice :evil:

anyways yea i dig the 80s stuff cos they're what i grew up with, the cartoons during my childhood, the pop songs during my teenage days. I often feel that sometimes a song may not be nice nor technically profound, but somehow you love them because of the memories attached to them. The only memories that present songs will bring me today and in future are worries and stress :lol:
hey man...

nice to see ur quite active on this forum now. btw great new videos u have been posting. sweet video editing techniques and awesome playing..

i'm trying to chalk up my stars and one day i might just surpass vaiyen :lol: Hey i forgot to include in my intro that I am a fan of yours too andrew :wink:
sigh.... why everyone of you teasing me lately?.... must be the pix, avatar and the video right.... i dun dare post liao :oops: