New member
hi everione, new to the soft forum..hope to learn frm everione as well as give mi own input...haha..am onli 17...a left hander guitarist, keyboardist, drummer n vocalist..most of de time tho..im jus singing for mi band..haha..its better for concentration..mi band's overgate, we won' the national day mv songwriting competition (haha..de best part bout it was winning de 3000 bucks..) as well lost in de semi finals of de world battle of the bands singapore...:S which reli sucked bcoz we somehow played reli badly dat nite...didn't help our bass string broke..haha..so i hope to learn frm everione..to improve ourselves..as well as to nv let silly tins like bass strings breakin n not having a back up plan happen to us again..add me at mr_rivaldo@msn.com..or jus drop me a mesage!