Intro: demµra


New member

We are a band called demµra.
We play Hardcore / Metal music. The members are:

Ace - Vocals
Jeng - Guitars
Yus - Guitars
Shah - Bass
Rizal - Drums

We are in the midst of recording our songs. We are also looking for opportunity to gig in the near future. Hope you enjoy listening to our music and support us.

Do add us on myspace too ok? C ya.

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wah jealous sia, all the newly formed bands all like make songs so fast..
my band around 1 year already only have 3 originals and none recorded :(

anyway the tracks are really good la, waiting for ur ep launch.. hahha
wah jealous sia, all the newly formed bands all like make songs so fast..
my band around 1 year already only have 3 originals and none recorded :(

it's not about how fast you start recording songs, its about the quality you put in the song.

i know the guitarist from demµra and the amount of time and effort he puts in song writing and perfecting his guitar skills is something i have to give my hat off to.

recording and writing songs can be easy and fast, but to be a great musician, there's alot of work behind the product.

demµra, hope you get your dummer position filled soon and start rocking it out on stage!
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Eh your song on myspace is seriously good. You should try and get your sessionist drummer to permanently play for you, the whole band is really tight.
it's not about how fast you start recording songs, its about the quality you put in the song.

i know the guitarist from demµra and the amount of time and effort he puts in song writing and perfecting his guitar skills is something i have to give my hat off to.

recording and writing songs can be easy and fast, but to be a great musician, there's alot of work behind the product.

demµra, hope you get your dummer position filled soon and start rocking it out on stage!

And realli true, there's alot work behind it. For demµra, one man cant do it alone.

The whole riffs and stucture of Through These Mirrors was written by Jeng. After Yus took a listen, he changed a note in the verse riff and added fill-ins for the subsequent riff. Then came in Ace who wrote the entire lyrics and vocal melody for the song. And Qay added more gore scream to the song. So there you go, a product of a teamwork by demµra.
hell yea!

Awesome awesome tracks you have.. Ive said it and im saying it again.. All the best for your search!

Just wana say we are still alive and kicking. Working on our EP. Hopefully we can get it done by June or even earlier. Add us on Facebook ok? C ya. :)
