Intro: Dario


New member
I've been posting in here irregularly so I never really bothered to introduce myself. Now that I've found more time in my schedule I'm sure I'll be spending much more time here than I previously have so I think I should introduce myself.

My name's Daryl Tan. I'm a 17 year old guy from Anderson Junior College. I've been playing guitar for a little less than one year but I've never taken formal lessons and been learning very slowly so I'm not very good please be patient with me. :oops:

I love all genres of music except rap and techno. I've been in a few bands and done a few small gigs here and there but I'm not very experienced. I typically play lead guitar and I've got a cort entry level guitar and a white mexican standard strat. Got a rpx400 and a small washburn practice amp.

My latest development in my guitaring life is my involvement in my band Eternal Loop. I've got to admit we're a very pop-ish band and our technical skill isn't very good but we'll keep working on it. We got 7th place in the school of rock finals.

Personally though, I'd rather play punk or metal music. :twisted:
lolx. of course more fun. My band can't do metal though, our girl singer's voice too melodious liaoz.

:oops: u saw us ar? damn paiseh la. I think the other bands there were like so much better.
haha haf confidence in urself.. music is an expression which can never realli go wrong and the technical aspect does not cover everything! as long as ur realli having fun i say ur music is great! besides it's only a matter of time b4 u become real proficient =)
if you wanna do metal, start a side project then.. What kinds of metal you interested in?
schred said:
Ohh ur vox is the sexy chic ah?

lolx. if she's ur type I guess she can be considered sexy. lolx. She's attached to our rhythm guitarist though.

and here I was thinking that lead guitarist get more girls. hahaha...

I like metal like drowning pool and papa roach that kind. lolx. But lack the vocalist to pull it off.
lol. those fusion metal stuff. Wont reli call em metal. Whoa i can only rmmbr 3 hot sexy or cute chics frm sor. 1 chinese 1 indon 1 malay. So i guess the chinese 1 must b frm ur band? :lol: N man..shez attached to some1 in the band. N shez also in the band..Doesnt sound gd. Hohoho.
yarhx. she's the chinese one. hmmmz. yarhx the only chinese girl in SOR. lolx. Attached to some1 in the band not big problem unless argue i guess. lolx. hope that doesn't happen.

eh. I like the new papa roach leh. :oops:

But I also like the old papa roach. lolx.
Well i wish ur band n the couple the best of luck man coz frm experience i believe a band harbouring couples nt really a gd idea bt gd luck!
Brown House vox!! Alamak I don remember the other band names :lol: . By the way, I am from Perpetual Dawn. Too lousy cannot make it to finals ahahaha :lol:
Hey ur being humble again! :lol: Hahah..if it was nt for the weak judges who dont understand ur music ye guys would'v penetrated their ass!!! :
Perpetual Dawn rocked the house man! (got house eh. =\)

Hey dario! *waves* You know anyone by the name of chunhong, samuel (yr2) LOL. there's so many chun hong-s and samuel-s in this world. =\
pepper- said:
Perpetual Dawn rocked the house man! (got house eh. =\)

Hey dario! *waves* You know anyone by the name of chunhong, samuel (yr2) LOL. there's so many chun hong-s and samuel-s in this world. =\

i think i know one of them.