Intro: Cymball


New member
Hello all!
Well,been stayin in da shadows of tis forum 4 awhile...
basically i'm a dude whu play's drums...listen 2 almost all genres except Rnb(dunnno y dun lik)
n i must say tis forum sure is whacky! in a good infomative way tat
Hah thx guys.

girlpants: been playin since mid 08, i using air drums ver2.0 lol...haven got a drumset yet..maybe will find one here..onlii gear i have are my tama drumstick haha..

btw any1 noe if cn appeal 4 poly?my fren poorthing got gd grades but kana e8 for maths onli then cant apply...any1 noe how?
If she die die wanna go into poly, one very troublesome way is to retake Math in a private institute, which i don't highly recommend cos depending on which institute, cos not all are recognize.

What course is she interested in Poly?
Still right, English and Math are like the priority for majority courses. :(
LOL! be gangta i wanna join too!
anything kana caught say wydeboon mastermind n he force us LOL!

...dunno which poly she wanna go
but she gonna takin private so case settled haha..

anyway thx guys!
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I'm not gonna comment much about private institute but I just wanna tell you guys to be careful. Seriously.
I'm speaking from personal experience. :)

Remember, there no shortcut in education in life.
Just be careful. :)
And good luck!