Intro: cherrycola


New member
Hi there!

Here’s my intro:

I’m 21 years old, female, with a mad love for music. I listen to almost anything- rock, alternative, punk, ska, R&B, hip hop, classics, soul, Latin, etc. I don’t play any instruments and I can’t sing for nuts (really!) I support our local music scene (whenever possible) & I hope that it’ll keep on expanding. I’m real friendly too, so feel free to drop me a reply :wink:

EvilGtr- Haha! Actually I do love singing, but only in private :wink:

Vaiyen- Er...hello to u too!

BlackMoo- Thanx!
Hez fast coz he likes this intro of a young 21-yr old female with a mad love for music who likes to sing n is friendly n who will fall victim to the evil clutches of EvilGtr coz he needs a vox i doubt so mayb he just kicked his vox :lol:. Just the word Female makes his hormones go to Petronas Twin Towers. Double the power. Beware. He knows what u did last summer. Ignore tht. So uhh cherrycola welcome to the ohana n r u Marilyn Monroe or r u not? Dont shatter my hope. I do not like my hopes to b shattered. Im a very cruel..umm..busy man...ahem..boy. No wait..kid..oh no..uhhh..Child. I want to b a Psychologist.
Hello, you might want to check out some metal bands too like Symphony X , Nightwish, Dragonforce ,etc. Just ask around in the forums i'm sure there are other people who would explain to you the sheer awesomeness of metal 8)
hi cherry cola.

welcome to
pls pardon all the young men vying for your attention.

This is truly the best forum in singapore to be in - if you love music like we all do , regardless of what instrument you play or what music u listen to.

( see... wanna score points must speak frm the heart... 8) )'s not everyday you get a 21 yr old female (and one who dares to make that fact known in here, o less) checking in. Anyone (male) would give scoring points a shot (me included, of course). :lol:

Whatever the case lah.

Welcome Cherrycola.

Why the heck did they stop making Cherry Coke ah? I like to drink that...Same as Pepsi Blue...

You have any plans to pick up any instruments, learn singing or anything like that? Just asking for fun. :)