Intro : BenAntiht - [thrash/death metal]


New member
Hey, I'm Ben. well, I'm 23. I'm a thai and I used to study in Singapore. LOL!

Now i'm living in Thailand. I have been playing guitar since pri 6 but im now a bassist of a band. We play thrash/death metal. Getting signed by record company n going on tour have been our dreams. Other than metal, I enjoy almost all genre (except hiphop)

Currently, I'm using a black LTD f-104 and a Korg AX3b.

If anyone of you guys are interested of getting ESP and LTD stuffs, effects, pedals n accessories here in Bangkok.

Feel free to contact me. I know a lobang who supplies ESP/LTD stuffs. LOL

See you around on forum page. Say 'NO' to hiphop.

Be cool.
I go back sometimes (for fun) LOL!
just to chill out with old friends and look out for new guitar stuffs

mayb we'll go n have some gigs coz we hope to ge signed by sg record companies (coz thai company sucks)
i love thrash/death and a bit of black.

most of the time i listen to lamb of god, black dahlia murder, amon amarth, the haunted.. if black metal.. then my fav is chthonic.. i like to listen to unsigned bands' songs too! the sound n riffs are not like professional but its gd to listen to new music all the time~ ^^

by the way.. who's this jumpingjack? u know me? LOL!!
phong tai

mem tai

koo yaa chak wow (go fly kite lol)


lol these are the swear words that my thai classmate/sccolar taught me.

that a**hole!

btw i love death/trash metal too.

till then,
