intrest to pick up photography


New member
this is probably not the right place to post this question... here goes...
i have the sudden intrest to pick up photography,but i am lost even before i start??? do you have to go for classes first then grab a camera and go about shooting or just buy a cam and learn as you go about shooting pics.
any photographers care to guide me.cuz i know nuts about starting.
read up bout basic photography
get a cheap used manual film slr camera and practice
if u really plan to go into this field, then go get an asst job , but be prepared to get low wages or even to work for free in the beginning stage coz u have no experience. but trust me, u will learn alot from asst
singapore's community of photographers, online. there are some lessons and stuff and also an events thread where you can look up for competitions which most of them have wonderful prizes.
just grab a camera and play with it. this will be better rather than reading/go for classes and not have hands-on to the technical part of it.
after u've got a camera, u can read up on the internet, or go for classes, go out and shoot as much as possible etc.


Li Ji
thanks for the web link anep. now i know where to start from...
.........BIG thanks to everybody.
i'm probably gonna get a camera by the end of this month .most probably under 1000. ( my parents are putting in only $500 and i have to top up the rest by my savings :x )

.............what the hell, i'm still schooling. why can't they understand my passion...
Yeah, go buy a camera and play with it. I guess different photographers have different style and vision. so the more you play around, the more familiar you'll be with your equipment. For $1000, you can get a very decent digital. I'd try to look for one that has manual controls for shutter and aperture. Very useful for night shots. And invest in a good tripod.

haha! it's like that lah. my parents also didn't understand til i start to make money out of it. budget it properly. alot of hidden costs!! like batteries, camera bag, silica gel, tripod, blah blah.
i really recommend to get a 2nd hand DSLR with $1k. u can get a decent canon eos10d or 350D to start out and learn.