Indonesian pedal modder! IYO?


New member

I'm an indonesian modder, here's some of my work, let me know what you think, I have the clip as well for you to hear there down on the bottom.





DS-1 mod
SD-1 mod

please excuse my playing :wink:

In Indonesia when you talk about someone, and the guy showing up, means panjang umur :)

Thank you much, saya panjang umur 8) amien!

Thank you for the warm welcome indeed.
hello liys,

I think your workmanship is pretty good !

1 question: what did you use for your letterings ? Those letters that come on a plastic sheet and you put the letters on the pedal and scratch the letters on ?

good job
Thanks a lot and good guess too! you got it right there! ;)

And now a question for you: What do you call that thing?
Yo Liys~

Haha it's good to see you here on I don't know if you'll remember me, but I'm d3vn from guitargeek. Good to see you keeping up the work. I've been checking ur website regularly.
yeh very interesting.. i mean how'd u get that footswitch on top of another?

one more question for you, liys..
can you add an expression pedal input into.. let's say, an ibanez DE7 or a VS H2O?..
ashmorefan said:
Yo Liys~

Haha it's good to see you here on I don't know if you'll remember me, but I'm d3vn from guitargeek. Good to see you keeping up the work. I've been checking ur website regularly.

HA! d3vn the OZ guy :D

Yeah remember you! Thanks a lot d3vn, watch my next SD-1, I'm planning to have 2 pots on it (left and right) one for Clean (sparkle Drive alike) on the other gain boost (fulldrive alike). And might get it air brushed a bit :)

can you add an expression pedal input into.. let's say, an ibanez DE7 or a VS H2O?..

As long as the pedal has pot, get it externally control is not an impossible. you may or may not need to mod the exp. pedal. I believe expression pedals has different resistance depend on brand, my dunlop is about 250k. Also think of the taper type, this will give different response too.

BTW, I heard some good things about DE7, how much is this thing?
liys: the one i use is called a "Lettering Sheet", but I think its most probably like "Rub-On" Stencils or something....

If you want an external expression pedal to replace a pot acting as a resistor, you'll need 2 paths of signal (because the pot actign as the resistor has 2 nodes), so a stereo jack can most probably do the job. There are jacks (mono and stereo) that has switching as well, so like you can make it auto plug-in and it'll switch to the expression pedal. If the pot is acting as a potentiometer in the pedal, you'll need 3 signal paths and you can do this again with a stereo jack but you'll have to isolate the sleeve from the enclosure, because the enclosure is usually grounded.

You'l lhave to make sure the expression pedal you are using is appropriate too! (value&taper&direction of sweep)

Hi Liys,
Just wanted to say, I'm modding a ultimate ds-1 for a customer--pretty cool pedal! You might try these changes:
c10: change to .047 uf
c3: change back to .047 (reduces splatty compression)

Also-what type of transistors are you using in place of diodes? I really like the sound of them!!!

Now that is comin from someone famous in a modder world. Do you take that as a compliment? Any suggestion what to say?