In search of fellow musos interested in GLOBAL DOMINATION!


New member
Hi everyone!

I'm a 20 yo male guitarist looking for like minded people to make music with. I don't have a preset direction in how i hope the band will sound like, my idea is to gather other competent musicians and see what we come up with. no metal though. (Hopefully something commercially and world dominationy) Personally my influences range from radiohead to hendrix to the peppers, though i'm very open to new and different musical ideas.

I'm looking for a bassist, drummer and vocalist cause i'm shit with lyrics. I don't want to wet blanket and say that serious commitment is required, but it'd be nice if we can commit max once a week? Hopefully if everything works out this will grow into something that gets us noticed, hence facilitating my world domination dreams, and we might even get to know each other as friends!

Ultimately this post was borne out of me missing the OH YEAH! feeling of making music, you know, the buzz in the bones, tingle in the spine feeling that follows when everyone is in a groove that to me is the best feeling in the world.

If you're interested please email leon at vking_90[at]