impro before i go off

?? its basically a collage of fast licks???
couldnt even tell if it was in key...

try to give it a little structure... and dynamics as opposed to just hypershredsweep melody would be great too!. you got the chops already. now work on sumthing more important....

oh and the guitar was too soft... nice rg btw!
damn, you can play reeal fast, ur sweet video now this...but sorry dude, I dont see the point of playing that fast, wheres the melody??? the feel???? work on those and u definitely will become a kickass guitarist
sounded in-key to me. ok, at least those parts I could hear. But it seems that you recycle a lot of standard shred licks like the 3 notes per string ascending and descending.
Still, your speed is worth mentioning. One of the fastest in S'pore, if you really did hit all your notes cleanly.
hmm...definitely off key. good effort though, but it's highly suspect if all the notes did come out cleanly...or if there were that many notes at all.

I do agree there's no structure to it at all. But really, good effort.

ChanMin said:
?? its basically a collage of fast licks???
couldnt even tell if it was in key...

try to give it a little structure... and dynamics as opposed to just hypershredsweep melody would be great too!. you got the chops already. now work on sumthing more important....

oh and the guitar was too soft... nice rg btw!
thats really fast man, nice work here. I look forward to listening to some MP3s from you. eh one day in msn i wanna try msg u and i wanna see like how fast u can reply :P u'd probably reply before i press enter 8)
that's nice fingerwork.. a bit too soft though..and yeahhh... maybe the repetitive stuff..but're good. =)
i'm back!...well i apologise for hurting your ears...i've gotta work much harder man....thx for your comments:)