I'm a drummer looking to Jam

Captain Curly

New member
I just moved to SG from America. I'm in my 30's and have been playing for almost 10 years.

I also write, record, sing and play other instruments enough to record my own music. You can check out a few of my songs here:http: www.myspace.com/captcurly

I'm open to all kinds of music.

I'm mainly looking to play drums and jam with some other musicians and see where it goes from there.

If you are interested in jamming with no stress or expectations let me know. If a band comes out of it, great! If not, at least we had fun!

what kind of music are you into? I know you say nothing specific but people tend to lean in a certain direction. I'm open to anything accept metal/punk/generic rock. I lean toward funky, upbeat stuff and have been getting into the electronic scene a bit recently. let me know if you're interested. I'm 23yo also from the US, bass player.
