IJ Studios


New member
hi guys well its defunct now but its great to hear colourful stories about the place.i only had a gig there once and it has reallya good undeground vibe.unforgettable expericnce.so how about you guys?any experiences there?
and what hppaned to abang wan?
yup, very underground-y place haha.. got a gig there once in 2005..its defunct now eh??? wonder why..
Yeah man, IJ studios used to have gigs almost every week.
Really cool place with underground vibes. I played there a couple of times too.
And there was one incident where my 2nd guitarist got his head smashed by the bass!
I think it got defunct right after this particular gig which I remembered being called,
''Punk vs Metal'' or something close to that.

Heard that either side got beaten up then it was caught on the surveillance cam
and blablabla.

Okay that aside,I love the atmosphere at that place.
Although it was so hot hot hot.
a major sauna place.
the owner is living in malaysia with his family right now in a condo.
hahaha. all the luxury in the world after earning from the numerous gigs.
someone should open ij studios all over again.
I think it got defunct right after this particular gig which I remembered being called,
''Punk vs Metal'' or something close to that.

Heard that either side got beaten up then it was caught on the surveillance cam
and blablabla.

Okay that aside,I love the atmosphere at that place.
Although it was so hot hot hot.

ya it was really a hot place ith not much ventilation!ha.but seriously dat was its contributing factor to it being under ground i guess.feh punk vs metal that was when punk was really the in thing then.ha.

mutual respect for metalheads i guess ehs?btw bro did u play a gig there in 2005 i tinhk.viva la gig or something?


wow now that is really bringin a whole neew meaning to headbangin.haha.crazy times.too bad i only plyed one gig there.wen i wanted to host more it was gone oredi.but seriously its entrrance fee was seriously cheap.up to the oint where they just let in ppl for free.haha


not to mention the weird smell.haha.had alot of barebodied ppl at the gig.like a beach oredi la dey.haha


wow now thats enjoying life man.haha.geez.sucess story ehs?and i agree with you it should be reopened man.cheap place.great atmosphere.nice guy.i rember abang wan had a good talk with me about what the metal scene is like in singapore.gave me alot of advice.a perfect exmaple of how a good 'buinessman' can be a good mentor as well.
I doubt abg wan would cheat his customers. unless you're damn fukked up.
and his daughter can play drums man. damn.

anyway, they kinda stopped holding gigs there cause of complaints, which they had to sound proof the place. And its kinda funny cause its an industrial place and definitely major noise pollution there. sheesh. and of course some punks destroyed abg wan's property. like flaming his washing machine. haha.
I doubt abg wan would cheat his customers. unless you're damn fukked up.
and his daughter can play drums man. damn.

anyway, they kinda stopped holding gigs there cause of complaints, which they had to sound proof the place. And its kinda funny cause its an industrial place and definitely major noise pollution there. sheesh. and of course some punks destroyed abg wan's property. like flaming his washing machine. haha.

aiyox pesky factory ppl evryday ear noise stil wanna complain.obiviosluy they are lying about sound proofing.cmon if dats the case the whole factory should be soundproofed!!!ha and yea those i rember that time there was this gig i stil remember the last band was playing bullet for my valnetine covers.they wernt to happy with the amps and the shoved a guitar iiniit.sheesh.dats so no cool.take out frust on amp. smore its ppl's amp.if u wan smash urr own guitar at least thas a whole diff story.haha.and yea i saw his daughter playing the drums.damn metal man.serioulsy
wow rudrafanclub bro.dats really cool.i ows noticed the place did have this shelf selling quite a number of underground local acts.its really great of abang wan to help out all these bands especially rudra whom ill consider the elite crew of singapore underground scene.makes ij all the more special.recording a vedic metal album in a warehouse?now thats the spirit of underground.no wonder their musc sounds damn kickass la.loving rudra man.wishing them continued sucess