ibanez, silvertone or sx bass for beginners?

i'd vote for SX as well as Ibanez
SX being easily modified to suit your needs in the future
Ibanez having a simple touch to it as well as a thin neck that may be good for small hands

don't underestimate teh power of the ibanez Gio series! lol
Well.. TGM bass to me are ok.. I don't really like the SX bass. What's wrong with TGM? Ibanez is good, but too ex for me.. Don't have the cash but will get better ones when i have the cash =))
Well, whatever you have chosen, the important thing is that you're happy with the feel and the sound of your bass. With that in mind, you'll have nice long happy hours of playing. I'm sure happy with mine... :D
ahkiatt said:
maybe tgm quality improve lor... but tgm make ok ok beginner basses la...

the feel and tone of SX basses i always thought are superior to TGM basses .. my friend's SX beginner bass could pass off as a professional bass with proper EQ in a live setting ..
Different people got different likings, SX don't really have jazz bass so i choose tgm which has a jazz bass which i feel that the tone is nice. =))
i hav heard alot of the SX but can anyone upload a pic of it? if i am not wrong, i saw afew silverstones bass package on sale... $235 a bass an amp and everything else...
thats not jazz pickup la,thats single coil pickup,dont tell me all the jazz=thin soapbar=etc.
different la dude
ERNIE BALL P-BASS???!?!!!!!!!! WTH?!?! :smt043 :smt043 :smt043

K, la... I apologize. I still remember pissing off some Talkbassers with stupid qns like that.