ibanez, silvertone or sx bass for beginners?

Lets say i have 300 willing to spend on bass, including the amp and stuffs, which one can i buy? good and below my budget..
well, price wise, it ain't much of a choice, since we want all-rounded, not well-rounded when we have a low budget.
i say go for ibanez... i personally have never played an SX or silvertone... but i believe the ibanez has more re-sale value... IMO =P
if youre exceptionally dumb and need guidance with identifying what's what, sx comes with a simple dvd that's good for bassist with no brains.
but i doubt youd need it so... ibanez!~ :wink:
I am not that dumb, i just need some tips from you guys to see which one is more worth it to buy :D
another thing.. Jazz or precision bass is more suitable for rock? Like avenged sevenfold and red hot chilli peppers? Johnny Christ from avenged sevenfold uses a jazz bass.. So i am a bit confused
Hey.. I just got my first bass today! its a TGM red bass. I love it man, its playability and sound is ohh-la-la.. Lol..
nXa said:
Hey.. I just got my first bass today! its a TGM red bass. I love it man, its playability and sound is ohh-la-la.. Lol..

that's great man .. happy bass playing .. =) ...