Ibanez RGR321EX : A 2nd Take


New member

Let me star off by saying that this isn't ment to be a comparison to other Ibanez guitars, but more of a "Mid range" guitar to previous guitars owned of the same, if not more, value.

PS: This guitar was good enough that made me want to Review it.

My First Ibanez

Back Story: I never brought myself to buying an Ibanez RG because I've always felt that the RG guitars were too stock and I never really digged the whole Super-strat 24fret Whammy bar guitar.

But this, this guitar is the complete reverse of the traditional Ibanez designs.

-String Through Body
-Covered Aluminum Pickups
-Single All Around Binding
-Reversed Headstock
-Flawless Black Mirror Finish
-5 Way Toggle for A 2 Pickup Guitar


This guitar just Demands skull crushing Metal, the single binding on the top face really enchances the entire Black/RG body shape with the reversed headstock and black hardware. I actually love this guitar to bits just for the looks but then comes the construction of the instrument.

As compared to other mid range guitars, the fretboard is just Beautiful.
It looks really happy, almost like its popping out and saying "HELLO!! : D"
Non of that "White Spec", "grain of Wood" nonsense that you all know, and pisses me off when I see one

The covered ALUMINUM picks are just so yummy, its like nothing thats out there, its like a smooth Covered Humbucker with an EMG touch with Impact styled text and just feels cold to the touch.


The MOST important component of a guitar, for me, I think is the Neck. With a badly made neck, your notes will never ring true and no matter how good your pickups are or how good you are, you will never be able to make it sound "Correct"

This particular piece that I own is near perfect, power chords on the 1st and 3rd string all the way up to the 24th and notes on the 6th from 12 to 24 are properly ringed when picked.

When unplugged, open chords just RING OUT beautifully as well as single note lines and you can feel vibrating in the wood

I've never played any Ibanez guitar with an RG body or Wizard neck and though it was different to what I was used to, this was very easy to get a "feel" for and the lower cut away is, omg just, genius, I never realized how DEEP the cut away was, I always thought that it was a Flat faced Strat, and I was just amazed at how its actually Possible to reach the 24th fret while maintaining the same fretting posture.


Never really bothered to use the toggle switch ANYWHERE other than first or last position (Bridge or Neck) but this totally changed my view on how it would actually benefit your overall versatility of tones that you can manipulate for various styles of music.

Remember this is a 5 way switch for a 2 humbucker plank.

Somehow when ever I strum the Em chord in the clean channel, theres just somehting about it that I've never felt I ever got with any other guitar, theres like a very thick and round sound that has been "carved" specifically, Might be the pickups, might be the strings, I dont know.

On distortion, power chords are sensational, along with the construction of the Fretboard, it just plays whatever you fret with good enough clarity.


I could prolly go on forever but this guitar as you can tell, is really Top notch for the price, dont know about other models, dont care. This is where its at for this price range, beats any Epiphone Les Paul, Squire Telecaster (not happy with the several I used to own)

Everything on this is just Perfect, everything I could ask for.
beautiful Fretboard, superb Finish, black hardware with White binding with reverse headstock and a killer price.

I bought this guitar in a Perfect condition, and I aims to keep it that way

Hope you enjoyed this review!
pm or sms me for ANY questions on this guitar
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Just wondering..is there a difference between the MIIs and the MIKs??maybe..in terms of its neck??coz i cant help to tink tt the MIIs have a slightly thicker neck..=/
I just got myself an RG321EX yesterday.
I've been wanting to get a fixed bridge guitar since I sold my Epiphone Les Paul Special II a few years ago.
Been looking looking at the Les Pauls and Flying V, Corts, and some others but I just can't take my eyes off this one since I first saw it.
I'm not a big fan of reversed headtocks but the finish and binding on that body made me look past that.

This guitar is really light compared to the other 2 guitars I own.
I agree with the reviewer when he said the fretboard looks "really happy".
Well, it does. LOL

Sustain on the higher frets is better than my RG350DX.
The covered pickups look cool.
I love playing guitars with 5-way pickup selectors.
You'll get some cool voicings out of it.
I don't know if I should change the stock INF pickups to a couple of spare PAF Pros I have.
It probably doesn't look as good with white coloured pickups.

Mine came with very low action, measured about 1mm from the bottom of the string to the top of the 14th fret, for both the low and high E strings.
Buzzes were everywhere.
I've since raised the strings to 2mm for the lows and 1.5mm for the highs, just like my 350.
A little buzz is good but not too much.

Overall, I'm quite satisfied with everything this guitar has to offer.
For its price I think it's really value for money.
No matter where it's made if you like the guitar, you like the guitar.
This guitar is fierce man.. been always wanted to buy this type of guitar.. This is a fixed bridge guitar right?

What's the price for it outside now? =D. simply WOW!
Discount? how long is that going to hold? lol.. i going to buy it in the..year end.. so i afraid they will stop selling or price will be higher.. =X
Swee Lee will give 20% dicount off the list price for guitars at any time.
Even more discounts during their year-end or mid-year sales.
Oh icic.. thanks. pardon my less knownledge.. but is this guitar fret to fret wide enuff? I have a lousy ESP LTD f-10, my teacher is telling me the fret is not wide to put my 3 finger into 1 fret. Therefore, he said my guitar is good only for a very beginner, But i can i know whether is this better?
Errr.. What a teacher.. :confused:
So no jumbo frets means not good? Haha.. Ask Angus Young to stop playing his SG cause it is for noobs..
Come on man.. The LTD F-10 ain't so bad.. The lower end LTDs do impress me..
The higher end ones obviously..

Who is your teacher anyways?
Erm.. i cant reveal his name or whatever due to this is other's person privacy..sorry =)

What i mean was..my finger was quite big. So i have alittle problem playing on the guitar, so my teacher also noticed that. F-10 dont have jumbo fret isn't it?

Alright lets not hijack this thread...let's pm ? =P
i think either u misinterpreted your teacher or he really does not spare a thought for those with smaller hands and shorter and slimmer fingers. anyway, the guitar looks nice though i'm afraid of the fret buzzing
i can only say u have a nice empty looking crib...more of nice than empty looking...on topic wise, the guitar is already awesome from ur detailed description...dun even nid to hear it play.