Ibanez GSR350


New member
hey guys, i was wondering about this bass model. Ive been using it for a while now, but not sure if it is any good.

Anyways, how much is it worth, cause i got it free, and i wouldnt mind selling it to get a better bass.
the Ibanez GIO series are made in indonesia .. most of them .. actually i think all of them ..

so far ... i think the GIO series are worth the price .. but it's a pick and choose ... see whether you're lucky kind of thing, i stumbled across a starter pack bass that played so well .. i wanted to get it from my friend who was using it ..

anyway .. resale price for GIO basses ranges from $200 - $400 .. depending on condition .. if it's with an active preamp may be slightly higher ...

but if you get it setup i think it'll play well ... so you can stick with it for a while .. =) ..
can't find a GSR350; could it be the GSR305 instead?
