Ian Low - iPad Musician

Ian Low

New member
Hi there,

juz discovered this great site and forums, and didnt know there was such an outlet for local musicians!

my name is Ian Low and i am an amateur singer/songwriter as well as a food blogger and i have put out about 4 albums on itunes on my own. i am a firm believer in original music from sg musicians and have been making all my recordings using just the ipad and a couple of apps.

my latest is also my first vocal album called broken earth, and it was not only recorded using the ipad, but the vocals all done just using the mic from an iphone 5 earphones.

i hope to know more like minded folks here and hope u guys will check out my stuff.

my reverbnation link is https://www.reverbnation.com/ianlow (currently in the top 10 in sg, woohoo)

to check out my latest work, broken earth on itunes, https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/broken-earth/id619502623

lastly, you can check out my food blog here which has posts on my music making adventures http://thesilverchef.blogspot.sg/2013/03/broken-earth.html

ok, thats it, hope to interact more in the coming weeks and months!

ian low