I took my amp to the shop and came home with a PodXT.


New member
So my amp died on me two nights ago...

I guess it didn't die, but it started doing this thing where the signal keeps clipping and it sounds like the amp is farting. Yep... wierd stuff. This problem seems to be notorious with this model. For your info, it's a Behringer GM110. So, if u were interested in it (dawn), don't bother.

Anyway, I went to the shop and they helped me "upgrade", except I didn't exactly have a spare $800 lying around, so anything tube was out of the question. So I ended up going for the PodXT. What do you guys think? And are there any fellow PodXT users on this board?
wohoo! who else wants to join the podxt club? :D

um anyways. yeh i did check out that custom tone thing on the net. But i didn't know which ones to download... I mean, how do u know if they're even worthwhile to download?
ashmorefan: Dude what shop did you go? Ive a couple of stuffs to let go, maybe i could do some trade in with them too 8)
Okay, I'll give customtone a try :)

Fitch: I didn't really do a trade in. It's coz I bought the amp from that shop and if stuffed up twice, so they must've felt pretty bad. *shrugs*
Fitch: I didn't really do a trade in. It's coz I bought the amp from that shop and if stuffed up twice, so they must've felt pretty bad. *shrugs*
Sounds like a shop I'd like buy something from, being accomodating, can tell us which shop did you patronise from??
Haha I would! But there will be no point. They open up a shop in S'pore, hire local managers, hire local workers, then the next thing u know, they're just another swee lee.
I think some of us should just get together one day and open a shop! Finally... a shop with good customer service. yay.
eh cranbourne music??.. that's in melbourne along la trobe street right?.. ehh heheh.. they have a gibson custom (3 pickups) n it's white!!!.. well that was almost 2 years ago.. donno if it's still there.. used to stand at the display n drool my collar wet while fantasizing it almost everytime i finish school..
Haha... I didn't even know the shop was around 2 years ago. Hmm... But yes, that's the one, along Latrobe St :D

And yeh, they have a lot more cool things now. It's always nice to go in and check stuff out, but i hate it when i look at guitars and pedals and amps and I can't buy any! it's like torture...
yah.. while u r there, do check out smith st n brunswick st..
alot of cool stuff there.. used to see a Maestro Phase Shifter n a fender flanger in the 2nd hand shops..

oh and the cash converters over there is the best..
i once asked about the price of the Podxt and this sales girl was telling me how good that is.. because other pedals have 1 line and this has got 6 lines.. bbBBBhahhaha.. definitely refreshing!!!
mrmisse said:
i once asked about the price of the Podxt and this sales girl was telling me how good that is.. because other pedals have 1 line and this has got 6 lines.. bbBBBhahhaha.. definitely refreshing!!!

thats a classic way to promote it. POWER!!! I bow down in awe :lol:

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