I stood next to a girl in the train. but..

Clumsiness works with some and not with others. It's a good chance to start a conversation. Say you were so tired you couldn't stand properly...and she must've been tired too cos you noticed that she had been leaning on you the whole time. If she says she's not tired then you 'ho sei liao' lah!
lean back against her.
ask her for the time.
when she tells you, say "oh dear, i think its time i asked for your name and number."

that usually works!
you gotta be reckless la reckless nick.

there's that chinese saying ; nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai.

you gotta be daring and a bit of a bad boy to get the ladies.
lol. chill. he tries to burn me every single day.

in my defence, im never the one who comes on first in friend-making networks.
and pedialite has a beer belly so i always have the edge
i'm a natural born anarchist who loves carnage, be it in bytes or in bites.

i attribute this to one of 2 things, environment or heredity.

Why is it people are posting "help me cause I got an issue with a girl" kind of threads as of late?

Scared of valentine's day is it?
lol. i have no problems with valentines day. i think our vocalist want to go to taiwan though julius. :lol: *hint hint*
Actually I don't see what's the big deal with a particular female getting close and comfy with the threadstarter. You are in a crowded MRT train and things like these are bound to happen. Circumstances dictates it. Would the threadstarter post up a similar thread if there was this particular male who was getting close and comfy with him onboard the crowded MRT train?
cause i always thought youre an indian(from your nick,i dont know why) but then you spoke chinese just now,so im wondering.sorry if you feel offended or something
doubleblade. if i remember correctly, he said the girl still leans after the train was half empty(half full?)

yeah. i think asking for time is quite a good way to open a conversation. but make sure ure not wearing a watch!!!! or ur hp 'batt flat'. nyaha. next time just smile, say hi, ask time, (like who said ah) 'time to ask ur name'. haha. i love that one.

if ure despo.
'hey can i have ur number, where do u live, wanna have dinner tonight?'
ok jokes
get a hold of urself, and stop picking ur nose, like displayed in your dp, be more open, Focus! haha. cool pickup lines ar? haha